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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 9 9 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
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lanthius, and Archelaus. He seems to have followed Thucydides, though not very strictly, as a guide in general, while he filled up the details from the later historians, perhaps from Theopompus more than from Ephorus, whose account, as followed probably by Diodorus (11.60), differs materially. He appears to have also used Callisthenes, Cratinus, Phanodemus, Diodorus Periegetes, Gorgias, and Nausicrates; Aristotle, Eupolis, Aristophanes, and Critias. On the death of Miltiades, probably in B. C. 489, Cimon, we are told by Diodorus (Excerpta. p. 255), in order to obtain the corpse for burial, took his father's place in prison till his fine of 50 talents should be paid. [MILTIADES.] It appears, however, certain (see Dem. c. Androt. p. 603) that the a)timi/a,if not the imprisonment, of the public debtor was legally inherited by the son, and Cornelius Nepos, whose life comes in many parts from Theopompus, states the confinement to have been compulsory. The fine was eventually paid by Call
Julus 1. C. Julius, L. F., JULUS, consul in B. C. 489 with P. Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus, in lose consulship the Volscians under Coriolanus commenced war against Rome. (Dionys. A. R. 8.1.) Livy omits the consuls of this year altogether.
Mae'nius 1. MAENIUS, or according to some manuscripts MAENIUS, was the proposer of the law by which an addition was made to the Circensian games of the day, called instauratitius (Macr. 1.11). We learn from Livy (2.36) that this happened in B. C. 489, and we may therefore suppose that Maenius was tribune of the plebs in that year.
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Mamerci'nus, Pina'rius 1. P. Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus, consul B. C. 489, with C. Julius Julus. [JULUS, No. 1.]
rst cousin of the historian, Panyasis being the son of Polyarchus, and Herodotus the son of Lyxes, the brother of Polyarchus. Another account made Panyasis the uncle of Herodotus, the latter being the son of Rhoeo or Dryo, who was the sister of the poet (Suidas, s. v.). These conflicting accounts have given rise to much dispute among modern writers, but the latter statement, according to which Panyasis was the uncle of Herodotus, has been usually preferred. Panyasis began to be known about B. C. 489, continued in reputation till B. C. 467, in which year he is placed by Suidas, and was put to death by Lygdamis, the tyrant of Halicarnassus, probably about the same time that Herodotus left his native town, that is about B. C. 457 (Clinton, F. H. sub annis 489, 457). Ancient writers mention two poems by Panyasis. Of these the most celebrated was entitled Heracleia (*(Hra/kleia, Athen. xi. pp. 469, d. 498, c.) or Heracleias (*(Hrakleias, Suidas), which gave a detailed accolnmt of the exp
turn. 3.6; Liv. 1.7; Hartung, Die Religion der Römer, vol. ii. p. 30.) It has been remarked, with justice, that the worship of Hercules by the Potitii and Pinarii was a sacrum gentilitium belonging to these gentes, and that in the time of App. Claudius these sacra private were made sacra publica. (Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. i. p. 88; Göttling, Gesch. der Röm. Stuatsverf. p. 178.) The Pinarii are mentioned in the kingly period [PINARIA, No. 1; PINARIUS, No. 1], and were elevated to the consulship soon after the commencement of the republic. The first member of the gens, who obtained this dignity, was P. Pinarius Mamercinus Rufus in B. C. 489. At this early time, MAMERCINUS is the name of the only family that is mentioned : at a subsequent period, we find families of the name of NATTA, POSCA, RUSCA, and SCARPUS, but no members of them obtained the consulship. On coins, Natta and Scarpus are the only cognomens that occur. The few Pinarii, who occur without a surname, are given bel
Pleistarchus (*Plei/starxos). 1. King of Sparta, of the line of the Agids, was the son and successor of the heroic Leonidas, who was killedin at Thermopylae, B. C. 489. He was a mere child at the time of his father's death, on which account the regency was assumed by his cousin Pausanias, who commanded the Greeks at Plataea. (Hdt. 9.10; Paus. 3.4.9.) It appears that the latter continued to administer affairs in the name of the young king till his own death, about B. C. 467 (Thuc. 1.132). Whether Pleistarchus was then of age to take the reins of government into his own hands we know not, but Pausanias tells us that he died shortly after assuming the sovereignty, while it appears, from the date assigned by Diodorus to the reign of his successor Pleistoanax, that his death could not have taken place till the year B. C. 458. (Paus. 3.5.1; Diod. 13.75; Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 210.) No particulars of his reign are recorded to u
e. (Schn. p. xv.) Whether in consequence of this calamity, or on account of the impending Persian invasion, or for some other reason, Simonides returned to Athens, and soon had the noblest opportunity of employing his poetic powers in the celebration of the great events of the Persian wars. At the request of Miltiades, he composed an epigram for the statue of Pan, which the Athenians dedicated after the battle of Marathon (No. 188). In the following year, in the archonship of Aristeides, B. C. 489, he conquered Aeschylus in the contest for the prize which the Athenians offered for an elegy on those who fell at Marathon (Fr. 58, Epig. 149). Ten years later, he composed, at the request of the Amphictyons, the epigrams which were inscribed upon the tomb of the Spartans who fell at Thermopylae, as well as an encomium on the same heroes (Epig. 150-155, Fr. 9); and he also celebrated the battles of Artemisium and Salamis, and the great men who commanded in them (Fr. 2-8, Epig. 157-160, 19
e. (Schn. p. xv.) Whether in consequence of this calamity, or on account of the impending Persian invasion, or for some other reason, Simonides returned to Athens, and soon had the noblest opportunity of employing his poetic powers in the celebration of the great events of the Persian wars. At the request of Miltiades, he composed an epigram for the statue of Pan, which the Athenians dedicated after the battle of Marathon (No. 188). In the following year, in the archonship of Aristeides, B. C. 489, he conquered Aeschylus in the contest for the prize which the Athenians offered for an elegy on those who fell at Marathon (Fr. 58, Epig. 149). Ten years later, he composed, at the request of the Amphictyons, the epigrams which were inscribed upon the tomb of the Spartans who fell at Thermopylae, as well as an encomium on the same heroes (Epig. 150-155, Fr. 9); and he also celebrated the battles of Artemisium and Salamis, and the great men who commanded in them (Fr. 2-8, Epig. 157-160, 19