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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 14 14 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 41 (search)
477 B.C.At the close of the year the archon in Athens was Adeimantus, and in Rome the consuls elected were Marcus Fabius Vibulanus and Lucius Valerius Publius. At this time Themistocles, because of his skill as a general and his sagacity, was held in esteem not only by his fellow citizens but by all Greeks. He was, therefore, elated over his fame and had recourse to many other far more ambitious undertakings which would serve to increase the dominant position of his native state. Thus the Peiraeus, as it is called, was not at that time a harbour, but the Athenians were using as their ship-yard the bay called Phaleric, which was quite small; and so Themistocles conceived the plan of making the Peiraeus into a harbour, since it would require only a small amount of construction and could be made into a harbour, the best and largest in Greece. He also hoped that when this improvement had been added to what the Athenians possessed
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 53 (search)
, having been humbled, was expelled from his position, and fleeing to Nisaean Megara,Megara in Greece as contrasted with Hyblaean Megara in Sicily. as it is called, he was there condemned to death and met his end; and the Acragantini, having now recovered their democratic form of government, sent ambassadors to Hieron and secured peace. In Italy war broke out between the Romans and the Veiians and a great battle was fought at the site called Cremera.The traditional date is 477 B.C. The Romans were defeated and many of them perished, among their number, according to some historians, being the three hundred Fabii, who were of the same gens and hence were included under the single name.This is one of the most famous of the legends of early Roman history. Diodorus gives the sensible account that this was a battle between the Romans and the Etruscans for the control of the right bank of the Tiber, and many Fabii fell in the struggle. Bu
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley), Book 4, chapter 81 (search)
are true Scythians. But this much they let me see for myself: there is a region between the Borysthenes and Hypanis rivers, whose name is Exampaeus; this is the land that I mentioned when I said that there is a spring of salt water in it, whose water makes the Hypanis unfit to drink. In this region is a bronze vessel, as much as six times greater than the cauldron dedicated by Pausanias son of Cleombrotus at the entrance of the Pontus.Pausanias, the victor of Plataea, set up this cauldron in 477 B.C. to commemorate the taking of Byzantium. For anyone who has not yet seen the latter, I will make my meaning plain: the Scythian bronze vessel easily contains five thousand four hundred gallons, and it is of six fingers' thickness. This vessel (so the people of the country said) was made out of arrowheads. For their king, whose name was Ariantas, desiring to know the census of the Scythians, commanded every Scythian to bring him the point from an arrow, threatening death to all who did not
Isocrates, Panegyricus (ed. George Norlin), section 72 (search)
surpassing each in the way appropriate to each;This passage is closely imitated by Lyc. 1.70, and by Aristeides, Isoc. 12.217. and having proved our superiority in meeting all dangers, we were straightway awarded the meed of valor,By general acknowledgement. See Isoc. 4.99 and Isoc. 7.75, Isoc. 8.76. and we obtained, not long after, the sovereignty of the seaAthens obtained the supremacy as the head of the Confederacy of Delos 477 B.C. See Isoc. 7.17; Isoc. 12.67; Hdt. 9.106; Thuc. 1.95; Xen. Hell. 6.5.34. by the willing grant of the Hellenes at large and without protest from those who now seek to wrest it from our hands.
Pausanias, Description of Greece, Arcadia, chapter 8 (search)
y than fortifications built of stone. For stones break and are dislodged from their fittings; brick, however, does not suffer so much from engines, but it crumbles under the action of water just as wax is melted by the sun. This method of demolishing the fortifications of the Mantineans was not discovered by Agesipolis. It was a stratagem invented at an earlier date by Cimon, the son of Miltiades, when he was besieging Boges and the other Persians who were holding Eion on the Strymon.476 or 477 B.C Agesipolis only copied an established custom, and one celebrated among the Greeks. After taking Mantineia, he left a small part of it inhabited, but by far the greater part he razed to the ground, settling the inhabitants in villages. Fate decreed that the Thebans should restore the Mantineans from the villages to their own country after the engagement at Leuctra,371 B.C but when restored they proved far from grateful. They were caught treating with the Lacedaemonians and intriguing for a p
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson), Book 6, chapter 5 (search)
hand, gave them zealous assistance at the time when they were hard pressed by the Messenians. In the so-called Third Messenian War, 464-455 B.C. They also described all the blessings which were enjoyed at the time when both peoples were acting in union, recalling how they had together driven the barbarian back, recalling likewise how the Athenians had been chosen by the Greeks as leaders of the fleet and custodians of the common funds, Referring to the formation of the Confederacy of Delos, 477 B.C. the Lacedaemonians supporting this choice, while they had themselves been selected by the common consent of all the Greeks as leaders by land, the Athenians in their turn supporting this selection. And one of them even said something like this: “But if you and we, gentlemen, come to agreement, there is hope now that the Thebans will be decimated, as the old saying has it.” The Athenians, however, were not very much inclined to accept all this, and a murmur went round to the effect that “thi<
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 9 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 38 (search)
s suppressing. Papirius named Gaius Junius Bubulcus master of the horse. when he began to lay before the curiate assemblyUnder the kings the curiate assembly had been the only formal assembly of the people (cf. I. xiii. 6 for the origin of the curiae), but in the time of the republic its functions had largely passed to the centuriate assembly. it was, however, still called upon to ratify the election of new magistrates by passing a lex ciuriata de imperio, and retained certain other ceremonial duties. a law confirming his authority, the proceedings were cut short by an evil omen, the first vote to be counted being that of the ward called Faucia, notorious for two calamities, the capture of the City and the Caudine Peace, which had both been incurred in years when this same curia had the right of the first return.This was determined each time by lot. Licinius Macer makes this ward unlucky also for a third disaster —that of the Cremera.477 B.C. (Book II, chap. 1.).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SPES VETUS (search)
SPES VETUS an ancient shrine on the Esquiline which is mentioned twice in connection with the legendary victory of Horatius over the Etruscans in 477 B.C. (Liv. ii. 51. 2; Dionys. ix. 24). Nothing further is known of the temple (HJ 365 ; Rosch. iv. 1296; Becker, Top. 551), but it gave its name 'ad Spem veterem' to its immediate vicinity, the district just inside the later Porta Praenestina, where several aqueducts met (cf. Hist. Aug. Elag. 13: hortos Spei veteris; see HORTI VARIANI). It was the highest point on the east side of the city, and was therefore selected for the entry of almost all the aqueducts (LA passim; HJ 364, 365; LS iii. 157; PBS i. 150). Ad Spem veterem is described by Frontinus (de aquis i. 5) as being in confinio HORTORUM TORQUATIANORUM ET [EPAPHRODITIA]NORUM (q.v.) (see AQUA APPIA); here branches of the aqua Iulia and the aqua Claudia diverged to the Caelian (ib. 19, 20; cf. 21; ii. 65, 76, 87). For a 'sutor a spem (sic) vetere' cf. CIL xv. 5929.
Achaeus (*)Axaio/s) of Eretria in Euboea, a tragic poet, was born B. C. 484, the year in which Aeschylus gained his first victory, and four years before the birth of Euripides. In B. C. 477, he contended with Sophocles and Euripides, and though he subsequently brought out many dramas, according to some as many as thirty or forty, he nevertheless only gained the prize once. The fragments of Achacus contain much strange mythology, and his expressions were often forced and obscure. (Athen. 10.451c.) Still in the satyrical drama he must have possessed considerable merit, for in this department some ancient critics thought him inferior only to Aeschylus. (D. L. 2.133.) The titles of seven of his satyrical dramas and of ten of his tragedies are still known. The extant fragments of his pieces have been collected, and edited by Urlichs, Bonn, 1834. (Suidas, s. v.) This Achaeus should not be confounded with a later tragic writer of the same name, who was a native of Syracuse. According to Sui
Lemnos, where the Athenians established a cleruchia. All these theories were overthrown by two inscriptions found near the Acropolis, one of which belongs to a statue of Epicharinus, who had won a prize running in arms, mentioned by Pausanias (1.23.11), and should probably be restored thus: *)Epixari=nos a)ne/qhken.. *Kri/tios kai\ *Nhsiw/ths e)poihsa/thn. From this we learn, first, that the artist's name was Critios, not Critias; then that Nesiotes in Pliny's text is a proper name. This Nesiotes was probably so far the assistant of the greater master, that he superintended the execution in bronze of the models of Critios. The most celebrated of their works were, the statues of Hannodius and Aristogeiton on the Acropolis. These were erected B. C. 477. (Marm. Oxon. Epoch. lv.) Critias was, therefore, probably older than Phidias, but lived as late as B. C. 444, to see the greatness of his rival. (Plin. l.c.) (Lucian, Philosoph. 18; Paus. 1.8.3; Ross, Kunstblatt, 1840, No. 11.) [L.
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