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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 14 14 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 2 2 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (ed. H. Rackham) 1 1 Browse Search
Aristotle, Politics 1 1 Browse Search
Pindar, Odes (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero 1 1 Browse Search
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Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics (ed. H. Rackham), Book 7, chapter 4 (search)
of ‘pleasures and desires’ ( 4.5); but in chap. 6 it is contrasted with desire, and its indulgence in the form of anger is seen to be painful rather than pleasant (6.4). —not merely ‘unrestrained’ ; because we regard them as distinct from the unrestrained in the strict sense, and only so called by analogy, like our familiar exampleThis seems to be the meaning of the imperfect tenses. An inscription records that a boxer named *)/anqrwpos won at Olympia in 456 B.C. and the Greek commentators say that he is referred to here. His name would appear to have been used in the Peripatetic school as an example of the analogical use of words. of Man the Olympic winner, whose special definition is not very differenti.e., it requires the addition of three words. Strictly speaking, however, it is impossible to define an individual; moreover, the Olympic victor (a) was a man not merely by analogy but as a member
Aristotle, Politics, Book 5, section 1302b (search)
being brought against them. Contempt is a cause of faction and of actual attacks, upon the government, for instance in oligarchies when those who have no share in the government are more numerous (for they think themselves the stronger party), and in democracies when the rich have begun to feel contempt for the disorder and anarchy that prevails, as for example at Thebes the democracy was destroyed owing to bad government after the battle of Oenophyta,Against Athens, 456 B.C. and that of the Megarians was destroyed when they had been defeated owing to disorder and anarchy,See 1300a 18 n. and at Syracuse before the tyranny485 B.C. of Gelo, and at RhodesSee 1302b 23 n. the common people had fallen into contempt before the rising against them. Revolutions in the constitutions also take place on account of disproportionate growth; for just as the bodyIt is not clear whether what follows refers to a work of art (cf. 1284b 8) or is an exa
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XI, Chapter 84 (search)
456 B.C.While Callias was archon in athens, in Elis the Eighty-first Olympiad was celebrated, that in which Polymnastus of Cyrene won the "stadion," and in Rome the consuls were Servius Sulpicius and Publius Volumnius Amentinus. During this year Tolmides, who was commander of the naval forces and vied with both the valour and fame of Myronides, was eager to accomplish a memorable deed. Consequently, since in those times no one had very yet laid waste Laconia, he urged the Athenian people to ravage the territory of the Spartans, and he promised that by taking one thousand hoplites aboard the triremes he would with them lay waste Laconia and dim the fame of the Spartans. When the Athenians acceded to his request, he then, wishing to take with him secretly a larger number of hoplites, had recourse to the following cunning subterfuge. The citizens thought that he would enrol for the force the young men in the prime of youth and most
Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 48 (search)
s. Accordingly the Corcyraeans, seeing that their most influential citizens were planning to hand the city over to the Lacedaemonians, sent to the Athenians for an army to protect their city. And Conon, the general of the Athenians, sailed to Corcyra and left in the city six hundred men from the Messenians in Naupactus,These Messenians had been allowed by the Spartans to leave their country and had been settled in Naupactus by the Athenian general Tolmides in 456 B.C. (cp. Book 11.84). while he himself sailed on with his ships and cast anchor off the sacred precinct of Hera. And the six hundred, setting out unexpectedly with the partisans of the people's party at the time of full marketIn the middle of the morning. against the supporters of the Lacedaemonians, arrested some of them, slew others, and drove more than a thousand from the state; they also set the slaves free and gave citizenship to the foreigners living among
Pindar, Olympian (ed. Diane Arnson Svarlien), Olympian 5 For Psaumis of Camarina Mule Car Race ?460 or 456 B. C. (search)
Olympian 5 For Psaumis of Camarina Mule Car Race ?460 or 456 B. C. Daughter of Ocean, with a smiling heart receive the sweet bloom of lofty excellence and Olympian garlands, the gifts of Psaumis and of his mule car team with untiring feet. Psaumis who, exalting your city, Camarina, which cares for its people,honored the six double altars, at the greatest festivals of the gods, with the sacrifice of oxen and in contests on the fifth day, contests of horse teams, and mule teams, and of riding the single horse. To you he has dedicated rich renown by his victory, and he had his father Acron and his new-founded home proclaimed by the herald. Coming from the lovely homes of Oenomaus and of Pelops,he sings of your sacred grove, Pallas protector of the city, and of the river Oanis, and the local lake, and the sacred canals with which Hipparis waters its people, and swiftly builds a tall-standing grove of steadfast dwellings, bringing this host of citizens out of helplessness into the light.
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VIII., CHAPTER IV. (search)
paration, and war, it is said, ensued. The Limnæan temple of Diana at Sparta is said to have its name from the Limnæ here. There were frequent wars (between the Lacedæmonians and Messenians) on account of the revolts of the Messenians. Tyrtæus mentions, in his poems, that their first subjugation was in the time of their grandfathers;The first war dates from the year B. C. 743, and continued 20 years. The second, beginning from 682 B. C., lasted 14 years; the third concluded in the year 456 B. C., with the capture of Ithome, which was the citadel or fort of Messene. Diod. Sic. lib. xv. c. 66. the second, when in conjunction with their allies the Eleians [Arcadians], Argives, and Pisatæ, they revolted; the leader of the Arcadians was Aristocrates, king of Orchomenus, and of the Pisatæ, Pantaleon, son of Omphalion. In this war, Tyrtæus says, he himself commanded the Lacedæmonian army, for in his elegiac poem, entitled Eunomia, he says he came from Erineum; for Jupiter hi
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, AVENTINUS MONS (search)
v. 45; Liv. i. 3. 9; Fest. 19; Verg. Aen. vii. 657, and Servius, ad loc.; Lydus, de mag. i. 34; Jord. i. 1. 180-183; HJ 151-153; Merlin, op. cit. 26-36). The suggestion that the word represents an ancient Italian, or perhaps Ligurian, settlement may possibly find some support in the use of PAGUS AVENTINENSIS (q.v.). The statement of Festus (148: Murciae deae sacellum erat sub monte Aventino qui antea Murcus vocabatur) is probably false. According to tradition, the Aventine was public domain until 456 B.C. when, by the lex Icilia, a portion of it was handed over to the plebs for settlement (Dionys. iii. 43, x. 31-32; Liv. iii. 31). It continued to be an essentially plebeian quarter until the empire, when many wealthy Romans built their residences there, but it was always a comparatively unimportant part of the city and contained few monumental structures (for a full description of the topography and monuments of the Aventine, see Merlin, op. cit.;. HJ 149-170; P1. 413-417, 421-422).
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, DIANA, AEDES (search)
sun-dials in Rome was on this temple, and it contained a wooden statue resembling that of Diana at Ephesus (Strabo iv. I. 5) brought to Rome from Marseilles, and another of marble (Plin. NH xxxvi. 32 : in magna admiratione est.... Hecate Ephesi in templo Dianae post aedem). In the Augustan period it contained a bronze stele on which was engraved the compact between Rome and the Latin cities, probably a copy of the original (Dionys. iv. 26), and another with the lex Icilia de Aventino publicando of 456 B.C. (Dionys. x. 32). It must also have contained a lex arae Dianae, which served as a model for other communities (CIL iii. 1933 ; xi. 361 ; xii. 4333), and probably other ancient documents. The date of the founding of this temple, and its real significance, have been the subject of much discussion (HJ 157-159; Gilb. ii. 236-241 ; RE v. 332-333 ; DE i. 177 ; ii. 1734-1737 ; and esp. Merlin 203-226, 282-283, 303-305 and literature there cited). Cf. also Beloch, Romische Geschichte, 192.
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments (search)
Chronological Index to Dateable Monuments B.C. 509 Temple of Juppiter Capitolinus dedicated, 297. of Dea Carna vowed (and built some years later), 148. 501-493of Saturn, 463. 499of Castor vowed, 102. 496of Cares, Liber and Libera vowed, 109. Lacus Juturnae, 311. 495Temple of Mercur dedicated, 339. 493of Ceres, Liber and Libera dedicated, 109 484of Castor dedicated, 102 466Aedes of Semo Sancus dedicated, 469. 456Part of Aventine given to Plebs, 67. 445Lacus Curtius (?), 310. 439Conlumna Minucia, 133. 435Villa Publica built, 581. 433Temple of Apollo vowed, 5. 430of Apollo dedicated, 15. 395of Mater Matuta restored, 330. 392of Juno Regina on Aventine dedicated, 290. 390The Gallic fire: debris in Comitium, 135, 451; Regia burnt, 441; Templ of Vesta burnt, 557. Ara Aii Locutii dedicated by Senate, 3. 389(after). Via Latina, 564. 388Area Capitolina enlarged, 48. Temple of Mars on Via Appia, 328. 384Patri
Frank Frost Abbott, Commentary on Selected Letters of Cicero, Letter LXXV: ad familiares 4.5 (search)
calls attention to an interesting imitation of this passage in one of St. Ambrose's letters (Ep. 39.3): nempe de Bononiensi veniens urbe, a tergo Claternam, ipsam Bononiam, Mutinam, Rhegium derelinquebas, in dextera erat Brixillum, etc. Tot igitur semirutarum urbium cadavera terrarumque sub eodem conspectu exposita funera non te admonent, etc. Byron's stanzas in Childe Harold (IV. 44) are also inspired by it. Aegina: its decline probably dated from its submission to Athens, in 457 B.C. or 456 B.C. Megara: destroyed in 307 B.C. by Demetrius Poliorcetes. Piraeus: taken by Sulla in 86 B.C. Corinthus: utterly destroyed by Mummius in 146 B.C. Cf. Cic. de Leg. Agr. 2.87 Corinthi vestigium vix relictum est. quodam tempore: for quondam; cf. Intr. 101. prostrata et diruta: cf. graviter molesteque, 1. mecum cogitare: a pleonasm common in the older poets; cf., e.g., Ter. Ad. 30, 500; Eun. 629; Heaut. 385. hem: cf. Intr. 92. homunculi: the diminutive expresses contempt. nos homunculi iacen
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