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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 11 11 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Herodotus, The Histories (ed. A. D. Godley) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 455 BC or search for 455 BC in all documents.

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Cicuri'nus 4. C. VETURIUS P. F. GEMINUS CICURINUS, consul B. C. 455 with T. Romilius Rocus Vaticanus, marched with his colleague against the Aequi. They defeated the enemy, and gained immense booty, which however they did not distribute among the soldiers, but sold on account of the poverty of the treasury. They were in consequence both brought to trial in the next year: Veturius was accused by L. Alienus, the plebeian aedile, and sentenced to pay a fine of 10,000 asses. As some compensation for his ill-treatment by the plebeians he was elected augur in 453. (Liv. 3.31, 32; Dionys. A. R. 10.33; Diod. 12.5.)
d of Euripides was led at a very early period to that which afterwards became the business of his life, since he wrote a tragedy at the age of eighteen. That it was, therefore, exhibited, and that it was probably no other than the Rhesus are points unwarrantably concluded by Hartung (p. 6, &c.), who ascribes also to the same date the composition of the Veiled Hippolytus. The representation of the Peliades, the first play of Euripides which was acted, at least in his own name, took place in B. C. 455. This statement rests on the authority of his anonymous life, edited by Elmsley from a MS. in the Ambrosian library, and compared with that by Thomas Magister; and it is confirmed by the life in the MSS. of Paris, Vienna, and Copenhagen. In B. C. 441, Euripides gained for the first time the first prize, and he continued to exhibit plays until B. C. 408, the date of the Orestes. (See Clinton, sub annis.) Soon after this he left Athens for the court of ARCHELAUS, king of Macedonia, his reaso
or the value of their buildings; but it was, as Niebuhr remarks, of great importance for the independence of the plebeians that the patricians should not be their landlords, and thus able to control their votes, and likewise, when bloody feuds were so likely to break out, that the plebeians should be in exclusive possession of a quarter of their own, and one too so strong as the Aventine. (Dionys. A. R. 10.31, 32 ; Liv. 3.31; Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, vol. ii. p. 301.) In the following year (B. C. 455), Icilius and his colleagues were again elected tribunes, and proposed an agrarian law, which the patricians prevented by open violence from being put to the vote. Three patrician houses, the Cloelii, the Postumii, and the Sempronii, were brought to trial, and their property confiscated; but the patricians restored it to the accused. The discussion upon the agrarian law was then renewed, but was again interrupted by an invasion of the Aequi. (Liv. 3.31; Dionys. A. R. 10.33-43.) Six years
ying two parts of the town, besieged the third. (Thuc. 1.104.) This was probably preceded by a great battle, recorded by Ctesias and Diodorus (Diod. 11.74; Ctesias, 32), in which an immense host of Persians was defeated, and Achacmenes, the brother of the king Artaxerxes, slain by the hand of Inaros. But a new army, under a new commander, Megabyzus, was more successful. The Egyptians and their allies were defeated; and Inaros, says Thucydides (1.110), was taken by treachery, and crucified, B. C. 455. According to Ctesias he retreated, when all Egypt fell from him, into the town of Byblus, and here capitulated with the Greeks, on the promise that his life should be spared. Megabyzus thus carried him prisoner to the court; and here the urgency of Amytis, the mother of the king, and Achaemenes, drove Artaxerxes, after five years' interval, to break the engagement which he had confirmed to his general. Inaros was put to a barbarous death, a combination, it sees, of impaling and flaying al
r. The principal data for the time for Ageladas are these :--1. He executed one statue of the group of three Muses, of which Canachus and Aristocles made the other two; 2. he made statues of Olympic victors, who conquered in the 65th and 66th Olympiads, B. C. 520, 516, and of another whose victory was about the same period; 3. he was contemporary with Hegias and Onatas, who flourished about B. C. 467; 4. he made a statue of Zeus for the Messenians of Naupactus, which must have been after B. C. 455; 5. He was the teacher of Pheidias, Myron, and Polycleitus, who flourished in the middle of the fifth century, B. C.; 6. he made a statue of Heracles Alexicacos, at Melite, which was supposed to have been set up during the great plague of B. C. 430-429; and 7. he is placed by Pliny, with Polycleitus, Phradmon, and Myron, at Ol. 87, n. 100.432. Now of these data, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th can alone be relied on, and they are not irreconcileable with the Ist, for Ageladas may, as a young man, ha
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
T. Romi'lius Rocus Vatica'nus was consul B. C. 455, with C. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus, and was a member of the first decemvirate, B. C. 451 (Liv. 3.31, 33; Dionys. A. R. 10.33, &c.; 56). Respecting the events in the year of his consulship, see CICURNIUS, No 4. He was condemned along with his colleague, and sentenced to pay a heavy fine.
llective reigns being thus 40 or 50 years. The account of Manetho, which is in itself more probable than that of Herodotus, is also confirmed by the fact that Taracus is mentioned by Isaiah (37.9), under the name of Tirhakah. The time at which this dynasty of Ethiopian kings governed Egypt has occasioned some dispute, in consequence of the statement of llerodotus (2.140), that it was more than 700 years from the time of Anysis to that of Amyrtaeus. Now as Amyrtaeus reigned over Egypt about B. C. 455, it would follow from this account that the invasion of the Ethiopians took place about B. C. 1150. But this high date is not only in opposition to the statements of all other writers, but is at variance with the narrative of Herodotus himself, who says that Psammitichus fled into Syria when his father Necho was put to death by Sabacon (2.152), and who represents Sabacon as followed in close succession by Sethon, Sethon by the Dodecarchia and Psammitichus, the latter of whom began to reign
offers to Tisamenus to induce him to take with their kings the joint-command of their armies. This he refused to do on any terms short of receiving the full franchise of their city, whereupon the Spartans at first indignantly broke off the negotiation, but afterwards professed their readiness to yield the point. Tisamenus then rising in his demands, stipulated for the same privilege on behalf of his brother Hegias, and this also was granted him. He was present with the Spartans at the battle of Plataea, in B. C. 379, which, according to Herodotus, was the first of the five conflicts referred to by the oracle. The second was with the Argives and Tegeans at Tegea; the third, with all the Arcadians except the Mantineans, at Dipaea, in the Maenalian territory (both between B. C. 479 and 465); the fourth was the third Messenian War (B. C. 465-455); and the last was the battle of Tanagra, with the Athenians and their allies, in B. C. 457. (Hdt. 9.33-36 ; Müller, Dor. bk. i. ch. 9. §§ 9-1
To'lmides (*Tolmi/dhs), an Athenian general, who in B. C. 455 persuaded the people to send him with a fleet to cruize round the Peloponnesus, and ravage the enemy's country. If we may believe Diodorus, 1000 men were voted to him, to be selected by himself; but he first prevailed on 3000 to join him as volunteers, by assuring them that he meant at any rate to name them for the service, and, having thus secured these, he proceeded to act on the vote of the assembly, and chose 1000 more. In his expedition he burnt the Lacedaemonian arsenal at Gythium, took Chalcis, a town of the Corinthians, and disembarking on the Sicyonian territory, defeated the troops that came against him. According to Diodorus, he had previously captured Methone, which, however, by the arrival of Spartan succours, he was soon obliged to relinquish. He also took Naupactus from the Ozolian Locrians, and settled there the Messenians, who had been besieged and recently conquered by the Lacedaemonians at Ithome. After
Vatica'nus an agnomen of T. Romilius Rocus, consul B. C. 455, and a member of the first decemvirate [ROMILIUS], and also of P. Sextius Capitolinus, consul B. C. 452, and likewise a member of the first decemvirate. [CAPITOLINUS, p. 606a.]
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