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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 24 24 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 9 9 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Lysias, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
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Plato, Hippias Major, Hippias Minor, Ion, Menexenus, Cleitophon, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, Epinomis 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 407 BC or search for 407 BC in all documents.

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Adeimantus 2. The son of Leucolophides, an Athenian, was one of the commanders with Alcibiades in the expedition against Andros, B. C. 407. (Xen. Hell. 1.4.21.) He was again appointed one of the Athenian generals after the battle of Arginusae, B. C. 406, and continued in office till the battle of Aegospotami, B. C. 405, where he was one of the commanders, and was taken prisoner. He was the only one of the Athenian prisoners who was not put to death, because he had opposed the decrec for cutting off the right hands of the Lacedaemonians who might be taken in the battle. He was accused by many of treachery in this battle, and was afterwards impeached by Conon. (Xen. Hell. 1.7.1, 2.1.30-32; Paus. 4.17.2, x.. § 5; Dem. de fals. leg. p. 401.; Lys. c. Alc. pp. 143, 21.) Aristophanes speaks of Adeimantus in the "Frogs" (1513), which was acted in the year of the battle, as one whose death was wished for; and he also calls him, apparently out of jest, the son of Leucolophus, that is, "White C
hen he was a little above thirty years of age : in honour of which Plato represents the Symposium, or banquet, to have been given, which he has made the occasion of his dialogue so called. The scene is laid at Agathon's house, and amongst the interlocutors are, Apollodorus, Socrates, Aristophanes, Diotima, and Alcibiades. Plato was then fourteen years of age, and a spectator at the tragic contest, in which Agathon was victorious. (Athen. 5.217a.) When Agathon was about forty years of age (B. C. 407), he visited the court of Archelaus, the king of Macedonia (Aelian, Ael. VH 13.4), where his old friend Euripides was also a guest at the same time. From the expression in the Ranae (83), that he was gone e)s maka/rwn eu)wxi/an, nothing certain can be determined as to the time of his death. The phrase admits of two meanings, either that he was then residing at the court of Archelaus, or that he was dead. The former, however, is the more probable interpretation. (Clinton, Fast. Hell. vol. i
other exiles were recalled, but for the next four years he remained abroad, and under his command the Athenians gained the victories of Cynossema, Abydos, * Shortly after the victory at Abydos, Alcibiades paid a visit to Tissaphernes, who had arrived in the neighlbourhood of the Hellespont, but was arrested by him and sent to Sardis. After a month's imnprisolment, however, he succeeded in making his escape. (Xen. Hell. 1.1.9.) and Cyzicus, and got possession of Chalcedon and Byzantium. In B. C. 407, he returned to Athens, where he was received with great enthusiasm. The records of the proceedings against him were sunk in the sea, his property was restored, the priests were ordered to recant their curses, and he was appointed commander-in-chief of all the land and sea forces. (Diod. 13.69; Plut. Alc. 33; Xen. Hell. 1.4.13-20.) He signalised his return by conducting the mystic procession to Eleusis, which had been interrupted since the occupation of Deceleia. But his unsuccessful exped
Anti'ochus (*)Anti/oxos), an ATHENIAN, was left by Alcibiades at Notium in command of the Athenian fleet, B. C. 407, with strict injunctions not to fight with Lysander. Antiochus was the master of Alcibiades' own ship, and his personal friend; he was a skilful seaman, but arrogant and heedless of consequences. His intimacy with Alcibiades had first arisen upon an occasion mentioned by Plutarch (Plut. Alc. 10), who tells us, that Alcibiades in one of his first appearances in the popular assembly allowed a tame quail to escape from under his cloak, which occurrence suspended the business of the assembly, till it was caught by Antiochus and given to Alcibiades. Antiochus gave no heed to the injunctions of Alcibiades, and provoked Lysander to an engagement, in which fifteen Athenian ships were lost, and Antiochus himself was slain. This defeat was one of the main causes that led to the second banishment of Alcibiades. (Xen. Hell. 1.5.11, &c.; Diod. 13.71; Phit. Alcib. 35
Arche'stratus (*)Arxe/stratos). 1. One of the ten stoathgoi/ who were appointed to supersede Alcibiades in the command of the Athenian fleet after the battle of Notium, B. C. 407. Xenophon and Diodorus, who give us his name in this list, say no more of him; but we learn from Lysias that he died at Mytilene, and he appears therefore to have been with Conon when Callicratidas chased the Athenian fleet thither from *)Ekato/nnhsoi (Xen. Hell. 1.5.16; Diod. 13.74, 77, 78; Lys. *)Apol. dwrod. p. 162; Schn. ad Xen. Hell. 1.6.16; Thirlwall's Greece, vol. iv. p. 119, note 3
Aristo'genes (*)Aristoge/nhs), was one of the tell commanders appointed to supersede Alcibiades after the battle of Notium, B. C. 407. (Xen. Hell. 1.5.16; Diod. 13.74; Plut. Alc. 100.36(.) He was one of the eight who conquered Callicratidas at Arginusae, B. C. 406; and Protomachus and himself, by not returning to Athens after the battle, escaped the fate of their six colleagues, though sentence of condemnation was passed against them in their absence. (Xen. Hell. 1.7. §§ 1, 34; Diod. 13.101.) [
Chryso'gonus (*Xruso/gonos.) 1. A celebrated player on the flute, who dressed in a sacred robe (puqikh\ stogh/) played to keep the rowers in time, when Alcibiades made his triumphal entry into the Peiraeeus on his return from banishment in B. C. 407. From a conversation between the father of Chrysogonus and Stratonicus, reported by Athenaeus, it seems that Chrysogonus had a brother who was a dramatic poet. Chrysogonus himself was the author of a poem or drama entitled *Politei/a, which some attributed to Epicharmus. (Athen. 12.535d, viii. p. 350e., xiv. p. 648d
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Cyrus or Cyrus the Younger or the Younger Cyrus (search)
Cyrus or Cyrus the Younger or the Younger Cyrus THE YOUNGER, the second of the four sons of Dareius Nothus, king of Persia, and of Parysatis, was appointed by his father commander (ka/ranos or strathgo/s) of the maritime parts of Asia Minor, and satrap of Lydia, Phrygia, and Cappadocia. (B. C. 407.) He carried with him a large sum of money to aid the Lacedaemonians in the Peloponnesian war, and by the address of Lysander he was induced to help them even more than his father had commissioned him to do. The bluntness of Callicratidas caused him to withdraw his aid, but on the return of Lysander to the command it was renewed with the greatest liberality. [CALLICRATIDAS; LYSANDER; TISSAPHERNES.] There is no doubt that Cyrus was already meditating the attempt to succeed his father on the throne of Persia, and that he sought through Lysander to provide for aid from Sparta. Cyrus, indeed, betrayed his ambitious spirit, by putting to death two Persians of the blood royal, for not observing i
he oligarchical conspiracy among the Samians, and on hearing that the government of the Four Hundred was established in Athens, raised the standard of independent democracy in the army, and recalled Alcibiades. (8.54, 55, 73.) Henceforth for some time they are not named, though they pretty certainly were among the commanders of the centre in the battle of Cynossema, and during the whole period of the command of Alcibiades were probably in active service. When after the battle of Notium, B. C. 407, he was disgraced, they were among the ten generals appointed in his room. Diomedon in this command was employed at a distance from the main fleet; and when Callicratidas chased Conon into Mytilene, on the information, perhaps, of the galley which made its escape to the Hellespont, he sailed for Lesbos, and lost 10 out of 12 ships in attempting to join his besieged colleague. In the subsequent glorious victory of Arginusae, he was among the commanders. So was healso among those unhappy six
red the Hellespont with his squadron, now fourteen in number, to join the main body; and being descried and attacked by the Athenians with twenty, was forced to run his vessels ashore, near Rhoeteum. Here he vigorously maintained himself until Mindarus came to his succour, and, by the advance of the rest of the Athenian fleet, the action became general: it was decided by the sudden arrival of Alcibiades with reinforcements. (Xen. Hell. 1.1.2; Diod. 13.45.) Four years after, at the close of B. C. 407, he was captured, with two Thurian galleys, by the Athenians, and sent, no doubt, to Athens: but the people, in admiration of his athletic size and noble beauty, dismissed their ancient enemy, though already under sentence of death, without so-much as exacting a ransom. (Xen. Hell. 1.5.19.) Pausanias, (l.c.,) on the authority of Androtion, further relates, that at the time when Rhodes joined the Athenian league formed by Conon, Dorieus chanced to be somewhere in the reach of the Spartans,
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