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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 5 5 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 2 2 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Lysias, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 1 1 Browse Search
Hyperides, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 387 BC or search for 387 BC in all documents.

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dent, except Lemnos and Imbros and Scyros; and that these, as of old, should belong to the Athenians. But whichever party receives not this peace, against them will I war, with such as accede to these terms, both by land and by sea, both with ships and with money." (Hell. 5.1.31.) To these terms all the parties concerned readily acceded, if we except a brief and ineffectual delay on the part of Thebes and the united government of Argos and Corinth (Hell. 5.1.32-34); and thus was concluded, B. C. 387, the famous peace of Antalcidas, so called as being the fruit of his masterly diplomacy. That the peace effectually provided for the interests of Sparta, is beyond a doubt (Hell. 5.1.36); that it was cordially cherished by most of the other Grecian states as a sort of bulwark and charter of freedom, is no less certain. (Hell. 6.3. §§ 9, 12,18, 6.5.2; Paus. 9.1.) On the subject of the peace, see Thirlwall, Gr. Hist. vol. iv. p. 445; Mitford, ch. 25. sec. 7, ch. 27. sec. 2. Our notices of
rds (e)n a)/stei), second prize; Ameipsias first; Phrynichus third. Second campaign in Sicily. *Gewrgoi/ (?). Exhibited in the time of Nicias. (Plut. Nic. 100.8.) 411. † Lysistrata. † Thesmophoriazusae. During the Oligarchy. 408. † First Plutus. 405. † Frogs. (Lenaea.) First prize; Phrynicus second; Plato third. Death of Sophocles. 392. † Ecclesiazusae. Corinthian war. 388. Second edition of the Plutus. The last two comedies of Aristophanes were the Aeolosicon and Cocalus, produced about B. C. 387 (date of the peace of Antalcidas) by Araros, one of his sons. The first was a parody on the Aeolus of Euripides, the name being compounded of Aeolus and Sicon, a famous cook. (Rheinisches Museum, 1828, p. 50.) The second was probably a similar parody of a poem on the death of Minos, said to have been killed by Cocalus, king of Sicily. Of the Aeolosicon there were two editions. *Daitalei=s In the *Daitalei=s the object of Aristophanes was to censure generally the abandonment of those
. 56, 73-84.) Works Some manuscripts are still extant, professing to contain writings of Callisthenes; but they are spurious, and none of his works have come down to us. Besides an account of Alexander's expedition (which he arrogantly said would be the main support of the conqueror's glory, and which is referred to in several places by Plutarch and Strabo), he also wrote a history of Greece, in ten books, from the peace of Antalcidas to the seizure of the Delphic temple by Philomelus. (B. C. 387-357.) Cicero mentions too a work of his on the Trojan war. The loss, however, of his writings we have not much reason to regret, if we may trust the criticisms passed on them by those to whom they were known. Thus Polybius censures him for his unskilfulness in his relation of military affairs; Cicero finds fault with his style as fitted rather for rhetorical declamation than for history, and contrasts it with that of Xenophon; and Strabo speaks disparagingly of his accuracy and veracity. H
Cameri'nus 6. SER. SULPICIUS Q. F. Ser. N. CAMERINUS, son of No. 5, consul B. C. 393, and military tribune in 391, in the latter of which years he conducted the war against the Salpinates, and carried off a great quantity of booty from their territory. (Liv. 5.29, 32; Diod. 14.99, 107.) He was one of the three interreges in B. C. 387. (Liv. 6.5.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ent hastened to the spot where the Gauls were ascending, and succeeded in repelling them. This gallant and successful deed was rewarded the next day by the assembled people with all the simple and rude honours and distinctions which were customary at the time. He is said to have received the surname of Capitolinus from this circumstance; but this is probably a mistake, as it had become a regular family-name m his gens before his time, and he would thus have inherited it from his father. In B. C. 387 he was appointed interrex, but two years later, B. C. 385, he abandoned the cause of the patricians, to whom he belonged, and placed himself at the head of the plebeians, who were suffering severely from their debts and the harsh and cruel treatment they experienced from their patrician creditors. The motive, however, from which Manlius came forward to support them was not pure; it appears that after his delivery of the Capitol he was so intoxicated with his exploit, that he could not bear
Cursor 1. L. Papirius Cursor, censor in B. C. 393, and afterwards twice military tribune, in B. C. 387 and 385. (Liv. 6.5, 11, 9.34.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Diony'sius or Diony'sius the Elder or the Elder Diony'sius (search)
ir common defence at once against the barbarians and Dionysius. The latter retaliated by entering into alliance with the Lucanians, and sending a fleet to their assistance under his brother Leptines, B. C. 390. (14.91, 100-102.) The next year he gained a decisive victory over the combined forces of the Italian Greeks at the river Helorus; and this success was followed by the reduction of Caulonia, Hipponium, and finally, after a siege protracted for nearly eleven months, of Rhegium itself, B. C. 387. (14.103-108, 111.) The inhabitants of the conquered cities were for the most part removed to Syracuse, and their territory given up to the Locrians. Dionysius was now at the summit of his greatness, and during the twenty years that elapsed from this period to his death, possessed an amount of power and influence far exceeding those enjoyed by any other Greek before the time of Alexander. In Sicily he held undisputed rule over the eastern half of the island, while the principal cities of
. 430), 431), that he was condemned to death, and that he was actually banished. But, in fact, Demosthenes seems to be referring to a distinct and third occasion on which Epicrates was charged with corruption; for in his repetition of the charge there is the important head, katayeudo/menoi tw=n summa/xwn, of which we find nothing in the oration of Lysias, but which is just the charg e we should expect to be made against the Athenian envoy who took part in accepting the peace of Antaleidas (B. C. 387); and that Epicrates was really that envoy is the more probable from the fact, which is expressly stated, that it was Epicrates who recommended that peace to the Athenians. (Schol. Aristeid. i. p. 283, ed. Dindorf.) Epicrates and Phormisius were attacked by Aristophanes (Aristoph. Eccl. 68-72, Ran. 5.965, and Schol.) and by Plato, the comic poet, who made their embassy the subject of a whole play, the *Pre/sbeis. Both are ridiculed for their large beards, and for this reason Epicrates wa
f the other petty states of Cyprus had already called for the interference of the great king before the battle of Cnidus. The chronology of the succeeding events is also very obscure; but the most consistent view of the matter appears to be that derived from Theopompus (apud Phot. p. 120a.), that Artaxerxes had previously determined to make war upon Evagoras, and had even commenced his preparations, but was unable to engage with vigour in the enterprise until after the peace of Antalcidas (B. C. 387). (See Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. p. 280; and comp. Isocr. Panegyr. p. 70a.; Xen. Hell. 4.8.21, 5.1.10.) Meantime Evagoras had not only extended his dominion over the greater part of Cyprus, but had ravaged the coast of Phoenicia with his fleet, prevailed on the Cilicians to revolt from Persia, and even (if we may believe Isocrates and Diodorus) made himself master of Tyre itself. (Diod. 14.98, 110, 15.2; Isocrat. Evag. p. 201.) At length, however, a great fleet and army were assembled under
Fide'nas 4. C. Sergius Fidenas, consular tribune three times, first in B. C. 387 (Liv. 6.5), a second time in B. C. 385 (Liv. 6.11), and a third time in B. C. 380. (Liv. 6.27.)
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