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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 21 21 Browse Search
Xenophon, Hellenica (ed. Carleton L. Brownson) 15 15 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 31-34 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh) 2 2 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Xenophon, Minor Works (ed. E. C. Marchant, G. W. Bowersock, tr. Constitution of the Athenians.) 1 1 Browse Search
Aristotle, Rhetoric (ed. J. H. Freese) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
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Anti'sthenes (*)Antisqe/nhs), a CYNIC philosopher, the son of Antisthenes, an Athenian, was the founder of the sect of the Cynics, which of all the Greek schools of philosophy was perhaps the most devoid of any scientific purpose. He flourished B. C. 366 (Diod. 15.76), and his mother was a Thracian (Suidas, s.v. D. L. 6.1), though some say a Phrygian, an opinion probably derived from his replying to a man who reviled him as not being a genuine Athenian citizen, that the mother of the gods was a Phrygian. In his youth he fought at Tanagra (B. C. 426), and was a disciple first of Gorgias, and then of Socrates, whom he never quitted, and at whose death he was present. (Plat. Phaed. § 59.) He never forgave his master's persecutors, and is even said to have been instrumental in procuring their punishment. (D. L. 6.10.) He survived the battle of Leuctra (B. C. 371), as he is reported to have compared the victory of the Thebans to a set of schoolboys beating their master (Plut. Lyc. 30), an
ri/stippos), son of Aritades, born at Cyrene, and founder of the Cyrenaic School of Philosophy, came over to Greece to be present at the Olympic games, where he fell in with Ischomachus the agriculturist (whose praises are the subject of Xenophon's Occonomicus), and by his description was filled with so ardent a desire to see Socrates, that he went to Athens for the purpose (Plut. de Curios. 2), and remained with him almost up to the time of his execution, B. C. 399. Diodorus (15.76) gives B. C. 366 as the date of Aristippus, which agrees very well with the facts which we know about him, and with the statement (Schol. ad Aristoph. Plut. 179), that Lais, the courtezan with whom he was intimate, was born B. C. 421. Though a disciple of Socrates, he wandered both in principle and practice very far from the teaching and example of his great master. He was luxurious in his mode of living; he indulged in sensual gratifications, and the society of the notorious Lais; he took money for his
Autocles, and the only pertinent and sensible one of the three. (Xen. Hell. 6.3. §§ 3, 10, &c.; see Diod. 15.38, 51, who in the former passage assigns the mission of Callistratus to B. C. 375, confounding the peace of 371 with that of 374, and placing the latter a year too soon.) Again, in 369, the year of the invasion of Laconia by Epaminondas, Callistratus induced the Athenians to grant the aid which the Spartans had sent to ask. (Dem. c. Neaer. p. 1353; comp. Xen. Hell. 6.5.33, &c.) To B. C. 366 we may with most probability refer his famous speech on the affair of Oropus,--a speech which is said to have excited the emulation of Demosthenes, and caused him to devote himself to the study of oratory. It would seem that, after the seizure of Oropus by a body of Oropian exiles and the consequent loss of it to Athens, the Athenians, having sent an army against it under Chares, were induced by Chabrias and Callistratus to compromise the matter by delivering the place as a deposit to the
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Licinius Calvus Stolo or Calvus Stolo (search)
apital, and that the remainder of the latter should be paid back in three yearly instalments. 4. That the Sibylline books should be entrusted to a college of ten men (decemviri), half of whom should be plebeians, that no falsifications might be introduced in favour of the patricians. These rogations were passed after a most vehement opposition on the part of the patricians, and L. Sextius was the first plebeian who, in accordance with the first of them, obtained the consulship for the year B. C. 366. Licinius himself too received marks of the people's gratitude and confidence, by being elected twice to the consulship, in B. C. 364 and 361; but some years later he was accused by M. Popilius Laenas of having transgressed his own law respecting the amount of public land which a person might possess. Avarice had tempted him to violate his own salutary regulations, and in B. C. 357 he was sentenced to pay a heavy fine. (Plin. Nat. 17.1, 18.4 ; Varro, De Re Rust. 1.2; Liv. 6.35, 42, 7.1, 2,
c. Aristocr. p. 686; Plut. Phoc. 6, Camill. I9, de Glor. Ath. 7.) In B. C. 373, Chabrias was joined with Iphicrates and Callistratus in the command of the forces destined for Corcyra [see p. 577b.]; and early in 368 he led the Athenian troops which went to aid Sparta in resisting at the Isthmus the second invasion of the Peloponnesus by Epaminondas, and repulsed the latter in an attack which he made on Corinth. (Xen. Hell. 7.1. §§ 15-19; Diod. 15.68, 69; Paus. 9.15.) Two years after this, B. C. 366, he was involved with Callistratus in the accusation of having caused the loss of Oropus to Athens [CALLISTRATUS, No. 3] (comp. Dem. c. Meid. p. 535); and Clinton suggests, that this may have been the occasion on which he was defended by Plato, according to the anecdote in Diogenes Laertius (3.24)--a suggestion which does not preclude us from supposing, that it was also the occasion referred to by Aristotle. (Rhet. 3.10.7; see Clint. Fast. ii. p. 396, note w, and sub anno 395; comp. Dict.
39; Liban. Vit. Dem. p. 3, Argum. ad Orat. c. Onet. p. 875.) We may suppose without much hesitation, that during the latter years of his minority Demosthenes privately prepared himself for the career of an orator, to which he was urged on by his peculiar circumstancesno less than by the admiration he felt for the orators of his time, and that during the first years after his attaining the age of manhood he availed himself of the instruction of Isaeus. Immediately after becoming of age in B. C. 366, Demosthenes called upon his guardians to render him an account of their administration of his property; but by intrigues they contrived to defer the business for two years, which was perhaps less disagreeable to him, as he had to prepare himself and to acquire a certain legal knowledge and oratorical power before he could venture to come forward in his own cause with any hope of success. In the course of these two years, however, the matter was twice investigated by the diaetetae, and was
Eudoxus (*Eu)/docos) of Cnidus, the son of Aeschlines, lived about B. C. 366. He was, according to Diogenes Laertius, astronomer, geometer, physician, and legislator. It is only in the first capacity that his fame has descended to our day, and he has ore of it than can be justified by any account of his astronomical science now in existence. As the probable introducer of the sphere into Greece, and perhaps the corrector, upon Egyptian information, of the length of the year, he enjoyed a wide and popular reputation, so that Laertius, who does not even mention Hipparchus, has given the life of Eudoxus in his usual manner, that is, with the omission of all an astronomer would wish to know. According to this writer, Eudoxus went to Athens at the age of twenty-three (he had been the pupil of Archytas in geometry, and heard Plato for some months, struggling at the same time with poverty. Being dismissed by Plato, but for what reason is not stated, his friends raised some money, and he sail
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Latera'nus, L. Se'xtius Sexti'nus was the friend and supporter of the celebrated C. Licinius Calvus Stolo in his attempts to throw open the consulship to the plebeians. He was the colleague of Licinius in the tribunate of the plebs from B. C. 376 to 367; and upon the passing of the Licinian laws in the latter of these years, he was elected to the consulship for the year B. C. 366, being the first plebeian who had obtained that dignity. (Liv. 6.35-42, 7.1.) For an account of the Licinian laws, see Vol. I. p. 586b., and the authorities there referred to. The name of Sextius Lateranus does not occur again under the republic, but re-appears in the times of the empire. Thus we find in the Fasti a T. Sextius Magius Lateranus consul in A. D. 94, and a T. Sextius Lateranus consul in A. D. 154.
Susa; for when the rescript of Artaxerxes II. (in every way favourable to Thebes) had been read, and the Thebans required the deputies of the other states to swear compliance with it, Lycomedes declared that the congress ought not to have been assembled at Thebes at all, but wherever the war was. To this the Thebans answered angrily that he was introducing discord to the destruction of the alliance, and Lycomedes then withdrew from the congress with his colleagues. (Xen. Hell. 7.1.39.) In B. C. 366, the loss of Oropus having exasperated the Athenians against their allies, who had with-held their aid when it was most needed, Lycomedes took advantage of the feeling to propose an alliance between Athens and Arcadia. The proposal was at first unfavourably received by the Athenians, as involving a breach of their connection with Sparta; but they afterwards consented to it on the ground that it was as much for the advantage of Lacedaemon as of Athens that Arcadia should be independent of T
Mamerci'nus 7. L. Aemilius Mam. N. Mamercinus, L. F., son of No. 6, was magister equitum to the dictator M. Furius Camillus, B. C. 368;. He was consul in B. C. 366 with L. Sextius Lateranus, who was the first plebeian elected to this dignity, in accordance with the Licinian law, which had been recently passed. He was again elected to the consulship in B. C. 363, with Cn. Genucius Aventinensis. (Liv. 6.38, 7.1, 3; Diod. 15.82; 16.2.)
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