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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 18 18 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 2 2 Browse Search
Plato, Letters 2 2 Browse Search
Pausanias, Description of Greece 2 2 Browse Search
Isocrates, Speeches (ed. George Norlin) 1 1 Browse Search
Isaeus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 5-7 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Dinarchus, Speeches 1 1 Browse Search
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of the principles of the universe is naturally succeeded by the consideration of the principal parts of it, the heaven, the heavenly bodies, and the elements. There follows accordingly, 2. Concerning the Heaven (peri\ ou)ranou=), in four books The work Concerning the Heaven (peri\ ou)ranou=), in four books, which is entitled peri\ ko/smou by Alexander of Aphrodisias. (Fabric. Bibl. Gr. iii. p.230, Harl.) According to an astronomical notice in 1.12, the work was composed after the year B. C. 357. See Keppler, Astron. opt. p. 357; Bailly, Histoire de l'Astronomie, p. 244. 3. on Production and Destruction (peri\ gene/sews kai\ fqora=s, de Generatione et Corruptione), in two books The two books on Production and Destruction, develop the general laws of production and destruction, which are indicated more definitely in the process of formation which goes on in inorganic nature, or in meteorological phaenomena. The consideration of this forms the contents of the 4. on Meteorology
3-84.) Works Some manuscripts are still extant, professing to contain writings of Callisthenes; but they are spurious, and none of his works have come down to us. Besides an account of Alexander's expedition (which he arrogantly said would be the main support of the conqueror's glory, and which is referred to in several places by Plutarch and Strabo), he also wrote a history of Greece, in ten books, from the peace of Antalcidas to the seizure of the Delphic temple by Philomelus. (B. C. 387-357.) Cicero mentions too a work of his on the Trojan war. The loss, however, of his writings we have not much reason to regret, if we may trust the criticisms passed on them by those to whom they were known. Thus Polybius censures him for his unskilfulness in his relation of military affairs; Cicero finds fault with his style as fitted rather for rhetorical declamation than for history, and contrasts it with that of Xenophon; and Strabo speaks disparagingly of his accuracy and veracity. He seems
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Licinius Calvus Stolo or Calvus Stolo (search)
emviri), half of whom should be plebeians, that no falsifications might be introduced in favour of the patricians. These rogations were passed after a most vehement opposition on the part of the patricians, and L. Sextius was the first plebeian who, in accordance with the first of them, obtained the consulship for the year B. C. 366. Licinius himself too received marks of the people's gratitude and confidence, by being elected twice to the consulship, in B. C. 364 and 361; but some years later he was accused by M. Popilius Laenas of having transgressed his own law respecting the amount of public land which a person might possess. Avarice had tempted him to violate his own salutary regulations, and in B. C. 357 he was sentenced to pay a heavy fine. (Plin. Nat. 17.1, 18.4 ; Varro, De Re Rust. 1.2; Liv. 6.35, 42, 7.1, 2, 9, 16; Florus, 1.26; Aur. Vict. De Vir. Illustr. 20 ; Plut. Camill. 39; Diod. 15.82, 95; Zonar. 7.24 ; V. Max. 8.6.3; comp. Niebuhr, Hist. of Rome, iii. p. 1, &c.) [L.S]
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Capitoli'nus, Ma'nlius 9. Cn. Manlius Capitolinus Imperiosus, L. F. A. N., was consul in B. C. 359 with M. Popillius Laenas, and carried on a war with the Tiburtines. Two years later, B. C. 357, he was again called to the consulship, during which he had to carry on a war against the Faliscans and Tarquinienses. In B. C. 351 he was censor with C. Marcius Rutilus, and during the war with the Auruncans in 345, he was magister equitum to the dictator L. Furius Camillus. (Liv. 7.12, 16, 22, 28.) [L.S]
, who were probably his brothers. He was very young at the time, and the whole management of his affairs was assumed by the Euboean adventurer, Charidemus, who was connected by marriage with the royal family, and who bore the prominent part in the ensuing contests and negotiations with Athens for the possession of the Chersonesus, Cersobleptes appearing throughout as a mere cipher. (Dem. c. Aristocr. pp. 623, &c., 674, &c.) The peninsula seems to have been finally ceded to the Athenians in B. C. 357, though they did not occupy it with their settlers till 353 (Diod. 16.34); nor perhaps is the language of Isocrates (de Pac. p. 163d. mh\ ga\r oi)/esqe mh/te *Kersoble/pthn, k. t. l.) so decisive against this early date as it may appear at first sight, and as Clinton (on B. C. 356) seems to think it. (Comp. Thirlwall's Greece, vol. v. pp. 229, 244.) For some time after the cession of the Chersonesus, Cersobleptes continued to court assiduously the favour of the Athenians, being perhaps res
eaty of Athenodorus, still, however, contriving to retain the town of Cardia; and his partizans among the orators at Athens having persuaded the people that they owed to him the cession of the Chersonesus (a strange delusion, if the narrative of events in Demosthenes may be depended on), they rewarded his supposed services with the franchise of the city and a golden crown. (Dem. c. Aristocr. pp. 650, 674-682; Arist. Rhet. 2.23.17; comp. Isocr. de Pac. p. 169c.) This appears to have been in B. C. 357. In B. C. 352, hoping perhaps to recover Amphipolis through his aid, they passed a decree in spite of the opposition of Demosthenes and his party (c. Aristocr. paisssim), pronouncing the person of Charidemus inviolable, and rendering any one who should kill him amenable to justice from any part of the Athenian empire. [CERSOBLEPTES.] In B. C. 349, after the recall of Chares, Charidemus was appointed by the Athenians as commander in the Olynthian war. In conjunction with the Olynthians, he
sents in money and bronze statues. Even the scoffer Timon, who in his silli spared no one, speaks of Democritus only in terms of praise. He died at an advanced age (some say that he was 109 years old), and even the manner in which he died is characteristic of his medical knowledge, which, combined as it was with his knowledge of nature, caused a report, which was believed by some persons, that he was a sorcerer and a magician. (Plin. Nat. 24.17, 30.1.) His death is placed in Ol. 105. 4, or B. C. 357, in which year Hippocrates also is said to have died. (Clinton, F. H. ad ann. 357.) We cannot leave unnoticed the tradition that Democritus deprived himself of his sight, in order to be less disturbed in his pursuits. (Cic. de Fin. 5.29; Gellius, 10.17; D. L. 9.36; Cic. Tusc. 5.39; Menage, ad Dioy. Laert. 9.43.) But this tradition is one of the inventions of a later age, which was fond of piquant anecdotes. It is more probable that he may have lost his sight by too severe application to st
Demo'phius (*Dhmo/filos). 1. The son of Ephorus, was an historian in the time of Alexander the Great. He continued his father's history by adding to it the history of the Sacred War from the taking of Delphi and the plunder of its temple by Philomelus the Phocian, B. C. 357. (Diod. 16.14; Suid. s. v. *)/Efippos, where *)/Eforos should be read for *)/Efippos; Athen. 6.232d.; Schol. Hom. Il. 13.301; Vossius, de Hist. Graec. p. 98, ed. Westermann
Diyllus (*Di/ullos), an Athenian, who wrote a history of Greece and Sicily in 26 or 27 books. It was divided apparently into several parts, the first of which extended from the seizure of the Delphic temple by Philomelus (where the history of Callisthenes ended) to the siege of Perinthus, by Philip (B. C. 357-340), and the second from B. C. 340 to 336, the date of Philip's death. The work was carried on, according to Diodorus, down to B. C. 298, from which period Psaon, of Plataea, continued it. If we accede to Casaubon's substitution of *Di/ullos for *Di/dumos, in D. L. 5.76, we must reckon also a work on drinking-parties (sumposiaka/) among the writings of Diyllus. The exact period at which he flourished cannot be ascertained, but he belongs to the age of the Ptolemies. (Diod. 16.14, 76, xxi., Fragm. 5, p. 490; Plut. de Herod. Mal. 26; Ath. iv. p. 155a, xiii. p. 593f; Maussac. ad Harpocrat. s. v. *)Aristi/wn; Wesseling, ad Diod. 16.14; Clinton, F. H. vol. ii. sub ann. 357, 339, 298
Dui'lius 4. M. Duilius, was tribune of the plebs in B. C. 357, in which year he and his colleague, L.Maenius, carried a rogation de unciario foenore, and another which prevented the irregular proceedings in the camps of the soldiers, such as the enactment of a law by the soldiers out of Rome, on the proposal of a consul. (Liv. 7.16, 19.)
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