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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Diodorus Siculus, Library 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 1 1 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 1 1 Browse Search
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Diodorus Siculus, Library, Book XIII, Chapter 35 (search)
gustus, who showed no interest in extending Roman citizenship to the provinces on such a wholesale scale. Pliny in his sketch of Sicily (3.88-91) lists, shortly before A.D. 79, several different degrees of civic status for the cities of the island. Accordingly, when in later times laws were framed for the Syracusans by CephalusIn 339 B.C.; cp. Book 16.82. in the time of Timoleon and by Polydorus in the time of King Hiero,Hiero was given the title of "King" in 270 B.C. and probably bore it until his death in 216. they called neither one of these men a "lawgiver," but rather an "interpreter of the lawgiver," since men found the laws of Diocles, written as they were in an ancient style, difficult to understand. Profound reflection is displayed in his legislation, the lawmaker showing himself to be a hater of evil, since he sets heavier penalties against all wrongdoers than any other legislator, just, in that more precisely than
Strabo, Geography, Book 9, chapter 3 (search)
an Nome. There are five parts of it: angkrousis, ampeira, katakeleusmos, iambi and dactyli, and syringes. Now the melody was composed by Timosthenes, the admiral of the second Ptolemy, who also compiled The Harbours, a work in ten books;If the text of this sentence is correct, Strabo must be referring to the melody played as the Pythian Nome in his own time or in that of some authority whom he is quoting, earlier compositions perhaps having been superseded by that of Timosthenes (fl. about 270 B.C.). But since the invention of the Pythian Nome has been ascribed to Sacadas (Pollux 4.77), who was victorious with the flute at the Pythian Games about three hundred years before the time of Timosthenes (Paus. 6.14.9, 10.7.4), Guhrauer (Jahrb. für Class. Philol., Suppl. 8, 1875-1876, pp. 311—351 makes a strong argument for a lacuna in the Greek text, and for making Strabo say that the melody was composed by Sacadas and later merely described by Timosthenes in one of his numerous works.
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK II., CHAPTER III. (search)
whether it be read so or not. Posidonius, however, says that it does make a difference, and would be better altered into towards the descending [sun]. But in what can this be said to differ from towards the west, since the whole section of the hemisphere west of the meridian is styled the west, not only the mere semicircle of the horizon. This is manifested by the following expression of Aratus, Where the extremities of the west and east blend together.Aratus, who lived about B. C. 270, was the author of two Greek astronomical poems, called Faino/mena and Dioshmei/a. It is from the former of these that the above quotation is taken. Aratus, Phænom. v. 61.Phænom. v. 61. However, if the reading of Posidonius be preferable to that of Crates, any one may likewise claim for it a superiority over that of Aristarchus. So much for Posidonius. There are, however, many particulars relating to Geography, which we shall bring under discussion; others relating to Physics, which m
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK XVIII. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF GRAIN., CHAP. 90.—PROGNOSTICS DERIVED FROM FOOD. (search)
astronomer, the friend and assistant of Meton, about 430 B.C. Harpalus,An astronomer mentioned by Censorinus, as having corrected the intercalation of Cleostratus. Nothing further appears to be known of him. Hecatæus,For Hecatæus of Miletus, see B. iv. For Hecntæus of Abdera, see B. vi. Anaximander,See end of B. iv. Sosigenes,See end of B. ii. Hipparchus,See end of B. ii. Aratus,A native of Soli, or else Tarsus, in Cilicia. He was the author of two Greek astronomical poems which have come down to us. He flourished about B.C. 270. Zoroaster,Nothing can be said of him with any degree of historical certainty. By the Persians he was called Zerdusht, and was said to have been the fonder of the Magian religion. There were several works in Greek bearing his name, but which, no doubt, were forgeries of a later age than that usually assigned to him. Archibius.He is mentioned in c. 70 of this Book, as writing a letter to Antiochus, king of Syria; but nothing further seems to be known to him.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 43 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.), chapter 21 (search)
defending it with a strong garrison. Perseus also, setting out for Elimea,Here the city, not the district as in XXXI. xl. 1, XLII. liii. 5, and Plutarch, Aemilius ix. 3. and purifying his army in that neighbourhood, led his force, at the invitation of the Epirotes,Epirote exiles, cf. below xxii. 9, unless this is a mistake for Aetolians. to Stratus. Stratus was at that time the strongest city of Aetolia; it is situated inland from the Ambracian Gulf near the River Inachus.Until 270 B.C. the chief city of Acarnania, Stratus was then given to the Aetolians. The river is properly the Acheloös (cf. e.g., Polybius V. 13. 10); the name Inachus was sometimes applied to the upper portion of the Acheloös which was mistakenly regarded as a tributary, hence, perhaps, Livy's mistake. Perseus set out thither with ten thousand infantry and three handred cavalry, a smaller number of whichTwo hundred less cavalry (and apparently the two thousand light-troops were also omitted) than on the
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition., Chapter 1 (search)
maximam: the circuit of its walls was about 180 stadia = more than 20 miles. ex omni aditu limits praeclaro ad aspectum. in aedificatione, etc., i.e. enclosed by the buildings of the city. Ancient harbors (as at Athens) were often at a considerable distance from the city. conjunguntur: Ortygia (or Insula), the site of the original town, had an independent harbor on each side connected by a narrow channel. This channel is the exitus mentioned. Hieronis: Hiero II, king of Syracuse (B.C. 270 to about 216), who was during most of his reign a steadfast ally of Rome. Dianae: the quail, o)/rtux (whence the name Ortygia), was sacred to Diana (Artemis). istius, i.e. of Verres. Arethusa: for the myth of Arethusa and Alpheus, see Ovid, Met. 5.573-641; Gayley, Classic Myths. Achradina, the plain and table-land north of Ortygia prytaneum: the building in which the city was conceived to have its home. Here was the hearth, sacred to Vesta, whence colonists carried the sacred f
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, ANIO VETUS (search)
he Fasti Consulares (NS 1925, 376-381) we learn that the name of the colleague of M'. Curius Dentatus (who made the contract for the building of the aqueduct) in the censorship of 272 B.C. was ( ... ) Papirius Praetextatus (and not L. Papirius Cursor, as he is wrongly called in Frontinus) and that he died during his term of office. As the work was not finished post biennium, Curius and one Fulvius Flaccus were appointed as duumviri to complete it. Within five days Curius died-no doubt late in 270 or early in 269 B.C., for fresh censors were appointed in the latter year, and the work was completed by Fulvius alone. Cf. also BC 1925, 250-252. which took its supply from the river Anio, at a point opposite Vicovaro, the ancient Varia, 8 miles from Tibur (Plin. NH xxxvi. 121; Frontinus, de aquis i. 4, 6, 7, 9, 13, 18, 21; ii. 66, 67, 80, 90-92, 125; Stat. Silv. i. 5.25, which may refer to the Anio Novus; Auct. de vir. ill. 33. 9). The meaning of the phrase in Frontinus i. 6, concipitur
Anta'goras (*)Antago/ras), of Rhodes, a Greek epic poet who flourished about the year B. C. 270. He was a friend of Antigonus Gonatas and a contemporary of Aratus. (Paus. 1.2.3 ; Plut. Apophth. p. 182, E, Sympos. iv. p. 668, C.) He is said to have been very fond of good living, respecting which Plutarch and Athenaeus (viii. p. 340, &c.) relate some facetious anecdotes. Antagoras wrote an epic poem entitled Thebais. (*Qhbai+/s, Vita Arati, pp. 444, 446, ed. Buhle.) This poem he is said to have read to the Boeotians, to whom it appeared so tedious that they could not abstain from yawning. (Apostol. Proverb. Cent. 5.82; Maxim. Confess. ii. p. 580, ed. Combefisius.) He also composed some epigrams of which specimens are still extant. (D. L. 4.26 ; Anthol. Graec. 9.147.) [L.
Ara'tus (*)/Aratos), author of two Greek astronomical poems. The date of his birth is not known; but it seems that he lived about B. C. 270; it is probable, therefore, that the death of Euclid and the birth of Apollonius Pergaeus happened during his life, and that he was contemporary with Aristarchus of Samos, and Theocritus, who mentions him. (Idyll. vi. and vii.) There are several accounts of his life by anonymous Greek writers: three of them are printed in the 2nd vol. of Buhle's Aratus, and one of the same in the Uranologium of Petavius. Suidas and Eudocia also mention him. From these it appears that he was a native of Soli (afterwards Pompeiopolis) in Cilicia, or (according to one authority) of Tarsus; that he was invited to the court of Antigonus Gonatas, king of Macedonia, where he spent all the latter part of his life; and that his chief pursuits were physic (which is also said to have been his profession), grammar, and philosophy, in which last he was instructed by the St
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Ariston (), literary. (search)
tainty, though Fabricius (Bibl. Gr. ii. p. 287) takes it for granted. Ariston 2. A friend of Aristotle, the philosopher, to whom he is said to have addressed some letters. (D. L. 5.27.) Ariston 3. A Peripatetic philosopher and a native of the island of Ceos, where his birthplace was the town of Julis, whence he is sometimes called *Kei=os and sometimes *)Ioulih/ths. He was a pupil of Lycon (D. L. 5.70, 74), who was the successor of Straton as the head of the Peripatetic school, about B. C. 270. After the death of Lycon, about B. C. 230, Ariston succeeded him in the management of the school. Ariston, who was, according to Cicero (de Fin. 5.5), a man of taste and elegance, was yet deficient in gravity and energy, which prevented his writings acquiring that popularity which they otherwise deserved, and may have been one of the causes of their neglect and loss to us. In his philosophical views, if we may judge from the scanty fragments still extant, he seems to have followed his mas
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