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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 16 16 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 40-42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 3 3 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 43-45 (ed. Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.) 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith). You can also browse the collection for 178 BC or search for 178 BC in all documents.

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A'tius 1. L. Atius, the first tribune of the second legion in the war with the Istri, B. C. 178. (Liv. 41.7
Brutus 12. M. Junius Brutus, M. F. L. N., the son of No. 9, unless he is the same person, was consul B. C. 178, and had the conduct of the war against the Istri, whom he subdued in the following year, and compelled them to submit to the Romans. (Liv. 40.59, 41.9, 14, 15; Obsequ. 62.) He was one of the ambassadors sent into Asia in 171, to exhort the allies to assist the Romans in their war against Perseus. He was an unsuccessful candidate for the censorship in 169. (Liv. 42.45, 43.16.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ca'pito, Fonteius 1. T. Fonteius Capito, was praetor in B. C. 178, and obtained the command in Hispania Ulterior, which was left to him also for the year following, with the title of proconsul. (Liv. 40.59, 41.2, 19.)
Clau'dius 24. App. Claudius Cento, brother of No. 23. was aedile in B. C. 178. (Liv. 40.59.) In 175 he was made praetor, and received Hispania Citerior as his province. Here he gained a victory over the revolted Celtiberi, for which he was honoured with an ovation. (41.22, 31, 33.) In 173 he was sent into Thessaly, and quieted the disturbances which prevailed there. (42.5.) In 172 he was one of an embassy sent into Macedonia to communicate to Perseus the demands and threats of the Romans. (42.25.) In 170 he was legatus under the consul A. Hostilius. Having been sent with 4000 men into Illyricum, he sustained a defeat near the town of Uscana. (43.11, 12.)
Comi'nius 3. COMINIUS, the commander of a troop of cavalry in the army of Tib. Sempronius Gracchus in Spain, B. C. 178. (Appian, App. Hisp. 43.)
Fu'rius 6. C. Furius, was duelumir nvaalis in B. C. 178, during the war against the Istrians. He had ten ships at his command, to protect the coast as far as Aquileia. In B. C. 170 he served as legate, and was stationed in the island of Issa, with only two ships belonging to the islanders. But as the Roman senate feared lest Gentius, king of the Illyrians, should commence hostilities, eight ships were sent to him from Brundusium. (Liv. 41.5, 43.1.)
ead of his armies. He adopted various excellent measures, which tended not only to secure his conquests, but to win the affections of the Spaniards to such a degree, that nearly fifty years afterwards they evinced their gratitude towards his son Tiberius. He assigned lands and habitations to the poorer people, and established a series of laws to regulate their relations to Rome. In commemoration of his achievements in Spain, he changed the name of the town of Illurcis into Gracchuris. In B. C. 178 Gracchus returned to Rome, where he celebrated a splendid triumph over the Celtiberians and their allies, and was elected consul for the year following, with C. Claudius Pulcher. He obtained Sardinia for his province, where he had to carry on a war against the revolted inhabitants. He gained a brilliant victory over the enemy, and then led his army into winter quarters. In the spring of the year following he continued his successful operations against the Sardinians, and reduced them to su
Ho'stius Festus, Macrobius, and Servius, make quotations, extending in all to about six lines, from the first and second books of the Bellum Histricum of Hostius. From these fragments, from the title of the piece, and from the expressions of the grammarians, we learn that the poem was composed in heroic hexameters; that the subject must have been the Illyrian war, waged in the consulship of A. Manlius Vulso and M. Junius Brutus, B. C. 178, the events of which are chronicled in the forty-first book of Livy; and that the author lived before Virgil; but no ancient writer has recorded the period of his birth or of his death, the place of his nativity, the precise epoch when he flourished, or any circumstance connected with his personal history. In the absence of any thing substantial, critics have caught eagerly at shadows. We are told by Appulcius in his Apology, that Hostia was the real name of the lady so often addressed as Cynthia in the lays of Propertius. Hence Vossius (de Poet. La
Nero 6. Tib. Claudius Nero, praetor, B. C. 178, had the Peregrina Jurisdictio, but he was sent to Pisao with a military command to take care of the province of M. Junius the consul, who was sent into Gallia to raise troops (Liv. 41.98), and his command there was extended. (Liv. 41.18.) In B. C. 172 he was sent on a mission into Asia. (Liv. 42.19.) Tib. Claudius was praetor again in B. C. 165, with Sicily for his province. (Liv. 115.16.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Nerva, Lici'nius 2. A. Licinius Nerva is called the brother of Caius by Drumann, which is possible, but no proof is alleged. He was a tribunus plebis, B. C. 178, and he proposed that the consul, A. Manlius Vulso, should not hold his command among the Istri beyond a certain day, the object of the tribune being to bring Manlius to trial for misconducting the war. (Liv. 41.10.) In B. C. 171 Nerva was one of three commissioners sent to Crete to get archers for the army of the consul P. Licinius Crassus, and in B. C. 169 he was sent with others into Macedonia to examine and report on the state of the Roman anny there, and the resources of king Perseus. In B. C. 166, he was a praetor, with one of the Hispaniae as his province. (Liv. 42.35, 44.18, 45.44.)
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