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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 9 9 Browse Search
Appian, The Foreign Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
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Cae'pio 5. CN. SERVILIUS CN. F. CN. N. CAEPIO, son of No. 3, was consul B. C. 141 (Cic. Att. 12.5, de Fin. 2.16), and censor in 125. In his censorship one of the aquaeducts, the Aqua Tepula, for supplying Rome with water, was constructed. (Frontin. de Aquaed. 8; Cic. Ver. 1.55; Vell. 2.10.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ma'ximus, Fa'bius 11. Q. Fabius Maximus, Q. F. Q. N., with the agnomen SERVILIANUS, was adopted from the gens Servilia, by Fabius Aemilianus (No. 8). He was uterine brother of Cn. Servilius Caepio, consul in B. C. 141. (Appian, Hispan. 70.) He was consul in B. C. 142. His province was Lusitania, and the war with Viriarathus. (Appian, Iber. 67; Oros. 5.4; Cic. Att. 12.5; comp. de Orat. 1.26.) Valerius Maximus (6.1.5, 8.5.1) ascribes to Fabius a censorship which the Fasti do not confirm.
account of his victory over Andriscus, and received in consequence the surname of Macedonicus. Notwithstanding the glory which he had acquired in this war, Metellus was twice a candidate for the consulship without success; and he did not obtain this honour till B. C. 143 along with Ap. Claudius Pulcher. The province of Nearer Spain fell to the lot of Metellus, who carried on the war with success during this and the following year against the Celtiberi, and was succeeded by Q. Pompeius in B. C. 141. Many anecdotes are related of his conduct during this campaign; the severity with which he maintained discipline, the humanity which he displayed on one occasion towards the enemy (a rare virtue with Roman generals !), and the prudence and skill with which he prosecuted the war, are particularly celebrated by Valerius Maximus and Frontinus. But he sullied his reputation by the efforts which he used to render his army as inefficient as possible on his departure from the province, in order
Metellus 6. L. Caecilius Metellus Calvus, Q. F. L. N., brother of No. 5, was consul B. C. 142 with Q. Fabius Maximus Servilianus. All that is recorded of this Metellus is that he bore testimony, along with his brother Macedonicus, against Q. Pompeius, the consul of B. C. 141, when he was accused of extortion. (Oros. 5.4; Obsequ. 81; Cic. Att. 12.5.3, pro Font. 7; V. Max. 8.5.1.)
Pompeia 1. The daughter of Q. Pompeins, consul B. C. 141 [POMPEIUS, No. 3], married C. Sicinius. (Cic. Brut. 76.)
Pompeius *pomph/ios In the following account we give first the family of Q. Pompeius, consul B. C. 141, and next that of the triumvir. The lives of the various persons mentioned below are treated at length by Drumann (Geschichle Roms, vol. iv. p. 306, &c.), to whom we refer our readers once for all. The Stemma on the opposite page is taken from Drumann, and is in some parts conjectural
Pompeius 3. Q. Pompeius, A. F., the son of the preceding [No. 2], was of humble origin; but we know nothing of his early career, nor of the means by which he first came into public notice. Since, however, Cicero speaks of him (Brut. 25) as no mean orator, distinction in oratory may have paved the way for him as it did for so many other Romans to the higher offices of the state. He was consul B. C. 141 with Cn. Servilius Caepio, and gained his election in opposition to Laelius by assuring Scipio that he did not intend to become a candidate for the office, and then entering upon a vigorous canvass after he had thus thrown the friends of Laelius off their guard. Scipio had previously been on friendly terms with Pompeius, but now renounced all further connection with him. (Plut. l.c.; Cic. Lael. 21.) Pompeius in his consulship was sent into Nearer Spain as the successor of Q. Metellus (V. Max. 9.3.7), and not of Fabius Maximus Servilianus, who commanded in Further Spain (Appian, App. His
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Scae'vola, Mu'cius 5. P. Mucius Scaevola, was probably the son of P. Mucius Scaevola [No. 3]. Publius Mucius, Manilius, and Brutus, are called by Pomponius (Dig. 1. tit. 2. s. 2.9) the founders of the Jus Civile. Publius was tribunus plebis, B. C. 141, in which year he brought L. Hostilius Tubulus to trial for mal-administration as praetor (Rein, Criminalrecht der Kömer, p. 602): he was praetor urbanus in B. C. 136. In B. C. 133, Publius was consul with L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, the year in which Tib. Gracchus lost his life. In B. C. 131, he succeeded his brother Mucianus [MUCIANUS] as Pontifex Maximus. Plutarch (Tib. Gracchus, 100.9) says, that Tib. Gracchus consulted P. Scaevola about the provisions of his Agrarian Law. When Tiberius was a candidate for a second tribuneship, and the opposite faction had resolved to put him down, Scipio Nasica in the senate " entreated the consul (Mucius) to protect the state, and put down the tyrant. The consul, however, answered mildly, that he wo
Servilianus was sent into Further Spain as the successor of Pompeius. Q. Metellus remained as proconsul in Nearer Spain. Servilianus brought with him two Roman legions and allied troops, amounting in all to 16,000 foot and 1600 horse, and he also obtained from Micipsa some elephants. He at first carried on the war with great success, defeated Viriathus, and compelled him to retire into Lusitania, took by storm many of his cities, and exterminated several guerilla bands. Next year, however, B. C. 141, when Servilianus remained in Spain as proconsul, the fortune of war changed. The Romans had laid siege to Erisane; Viriathus stole into the town by night, and at the dawn of day made a successful sally against the besiegers. The Romans lost a great number of men, and were put to flight. In their retreat they became enclosed within a mountain pass, where they were surrounded by the Lusitanians, much in the same way as their ancestors had been by the Samnites at the celebrated Caudine Forks