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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 31 31 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 3 3 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 2 2 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 2 2 Browse Search
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 23-25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University) 1 1 Browse Search
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita, books 8-10 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.) 1 1 Browse Search
Polybius, Histories 1 1 Browse Search
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Appian, Wars in Spain (ed. Horace White), CHAPTER XV (search)
signal to him by raising a red flag on a tall spear in the daytime or by a fire at night, so that he or Maximus might hasten to the aid of those who needed it. When this work was completed and he could effectually repel any assaults, he dug another ditch not far behind this one and fortified it with palisades and built a wall eight feet wide and ten feet high, exclusive of the parapets. He built towers along the whole Y.R. 621 of this wall at intervals of 100 feet. As it was not possible B.C. 133 to carry the wall around the adjoining marsh he threw an embankment around it of the same height and thickness as the wall, to serve in place of it. Thus Scipio was the first general, as I think, to throw a wall around a city which did not shun a battle in the open field. However, the river Durius, which took its course through the fortifications, was very useful to the Numantines for bringing provisions and sending men back and forth, some diving and others concealing themselves in sma
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), THE CIVIL WARS, INTRODUCTION (search)
the power of its own magistrates. In the midst of contests of this kind Marcius Coriolanus, having been banished contrary Y.R. 262 to justice, took refuge with the Volsci and levied war B.C. 492 against his country. This is the only case of armed strife that can be found in the ancient seditions, and this was caused by an exile. The sword was never carried into the assembly, Y.R. 621 and there was no civil butchery until Tiberius Gracchus, B.C. 133 while serving as tribune and bringing forward new laws, was the first to fall a victim to internal commotion; and many others besides, who were assembled with him at the Capitol, were slain around the temple. Sedition did not end with this abominable deed. Repeatedly the parties came into open conflict, often carrying daggers; and occasionally in the temples, or the assemblies, or the forum, some one serving as tribune, or prætor, or consul, or a candidate
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White), THE CIVIL WARS, CHAPTER I (search)
rism and paucity of numbers without any hope of remedy. He inveighed against the multitude of slaves as useless in war and never faithful to their masters, and adduced the recent calamity brought upon the masters by their slaves in Sicily, where the demands of agriculture had greatly increased the number of the latter; recalling also the war waged against them by the Romans, which was neither easy nor short, but long-protracted and full of vicissitudes B.C. 133 and dangers. After speaking thus he again brought forward the law, providing that nobody should hold more than 500 jugera of the public domain. But he added a provision to the former law, that the sons of the present occupiers might each hold one-half of that amount, and that the remainder should be divided among the poor by triumvirs, who should be changed annually. This was extremely disturbing to the rich because, on account of the triumvirs,
Polybius, Histories, book 33, Alexander Balas (search)
Alexander Balas Many different embassies having come to Rome, B.C. 152. Visit of the young Attalus, son of the late king Eumenes. the Senate admitted Attalus,Surnamed Philometor. He succeeded his uncle Attalus Philadelphus in B.C. 138, and at his death in B.C. 133 left his dominions to Rome. son of king Eumenes I. For he had arrived at Rome at this time, still quite a young boy, to be introduced to the Senate, and to renew in his person the ancestral friendship and connexion with the Romans. Demetrius, son of Ariarathes VI.After a kindly reception by the Senate and his father's friends, and after receiving the answer which he desired, and such honours as suited his time of life, he returned to his native land, meeting with a warm and liberal reception in all the Greek cities through which he passed on his return journey. Demetrius also came at this time, and, after receiving a fairly good reception for a boy, returned home. Then Heracleides entered the Senate, bringing Laodice andLao
Strabo, Geography (ed. H.C. Hamilton, Esq., W. Falconer, M.A.), BOOK VI., CHAPTER IV. (search)
ts, and all the rest who are subject to the Romans, shared a similar fate, for the Romans never rested in the subjugation of the land to their sway until they had entirely overthrown it: in the first instance they took Numantia,In the year B. C. 133. and subdued Viriathus,In the year B. C. 140. and afterwards vanquished Sertorius,B. C. 72. and last of all the Cantabrians,The inhabitants of Biscay. who were brought to subjection by Augustus Cæsar.B. C. 19. Likewise the whole of Gaul both wis. The like things have taken place in Asia. At first it was governed by kings who were dependent on the Romans, and afterwards when their several lines of succession failed, as of that of the kings Attalus,Attalus III., king of Pergamus, died 133 B. C., and constituted the Roman people his heir. the kings of the Syrians,We may here observe that the Seleucidæ ceased to reign in Syria as early as 83 B. C., when that country, wearied of their sad dissensions, willingly submitted to Tigrane
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.), BOOK II. AN ACCOUNT OF THE WORLD AND THE ELEMENTS., CHAP. 113.—THE HARMONICAL PROPORTION OF THE UNIVERSE. (search)
e Emperor, Q. TuberoIt is most probable that Quintus Ælius Pætus Tubero is here meant. He was son-in-law, and, according to Cicero, nephew of Æmilius Paulus, and Consul in the year B.C. 167. There are two other persons found mentioned of the name of Q. Ælius Tubero., Tullius TiroThe freedman and amanuensis of Cicero. He was a man of great learning, and was supposed to have invented short-hand. He also wrote a Life of Cicero., L. PisoLucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi. He was Consul in the year B.C. 133, and was a stout opponent of the Gracchi. He wrote Annals of the History of Rome from the earliest periods., T. LiviusLivy, the well-known Roman historian., Cornelius NeposHe was the intimate friend of Cicero, and wrote Chronicles or Annals, in three books, a Life of Cicero, and some other historical works. A work still exists, called "Lives of Eminent Commanders," which is ascribed sometimes to him and sometimes to one Æmilius Probus, a writer of the reign of Theodosius. The latter probably
ninety-two. Varro and Columella speak of a Treatise on Agriculture written by him. King AttalusAttalus III., king of Pergamus, son of Eumenes II. and Stratonice, daughter of Ariarathes, king of Cappadocia. In his will he made the Roman people his heirs. Being struck with remorse for the murders and other crimes of which he had previously been guilty, he abandoned all public business, and devoted himself to the study of physic, sculpture, and gardening, on which he wrote a work. He died B. C. 133, of a fever, with which he was seized through exposing himself to the sun's rays, while engaged in erecting a monument to his mother. Philometor, Ctesias,See end of B. ii. Duris,See end of B. vii. Philistus,An historian of Syracuse, one of the most celebrated of antiquity, though, unfortunately, none of his works have come down to us. He was born about B.C. 435, and died B. C. 356. He wrote histories of Egypt, Libya, Syria, and Phœnicia. Archytas,A Greek of Tarentum, famous as a philosopher,
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 9 (ed. Benjamin Oliver Foster, Ph.D.), chapter 44 (search)
The same year had a dictator in theB.C. 305 person of Publius Cornelius Scipio, the master of the horse being Publius Decius Mus. These men held a consular election —for to this end they had been appointed, since neither consul had been able to leave the seat of war. The consuls chosen were Lucius Postumius and Tiberius Minucius. PisoLucius Calpurnius Piso Frugi, the annalist, cos. 133 B.C. makes these men follow Quintus Fabius and Publius Decius, omitting the two years in which we have placed the consulship of Claudius and Volumnius and that of Cornelius and Marcius. whether in the redaction of his annals he forgot them, or omitted two sets of consuls purposely, as not authentic, is uncertain. in that year also the Samnites made forays upon the Campus StellatisThis was a tract forming part of the Ager Falernus, later celebrated for its choice wine. in Campania. both consuls were accordingly dispatched into Samnium in different directions, Postumius m
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 25 (ed. Frank Gardener Moore, Professor Emeritus in Columbia University), chapter 39 (search)
ius of AntiumValerius, a contemporary of Claudius, wrote a voluminous history from the founding of Rome in upwards of 75 books. Here by exception his figures for the enemy slain are very moderate. relates that one camp was captured, that of Mago, and seven thousand of the enemy slain; that in a second battle they sallied out and fought with Hasdrubal; that ten thousand were slain, four thousand three hundred and thirty captured. PisoL. Calpurnius Piso Frugi, the annalist, was consul in 133 B.C. His work, here cited for the last time in the extant Livy, probably consisted of seven books, beginning with the founding of the city. states that five thousand men were slain from an ambush, while Mago was pursuing in disorder our retreating men. In all of them great is the name of Marcius the general. And to his real fame they add even marvels: that as he was speaking a flame burst from his head without his knowledge, causing great alarm among the soldiers who stood around him.
Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 33 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. Professor of Latin and Head of the Department of Classics in the University of Pittsburgh), chapter 21 (search)
ble to Asia by reason of their recent arrival, he assumed the title of king, and thenceforth his greatness of soul always matched the greatness of his distinction. He ruled his subjects with perfect justice, exhibited remarkable fidelity to his allies, was courteous to his wife and sons —four survived him —and kind and generous to his friends; he left a kingdom so strong and well-established that possession of it was handed down to the third generation.The line became extinct in 133 B.C., when Pergamum became the property of Rome under the will of the grandson of this Attalus. While this was the state of affairs in Asia, Greece, and Macedonia, the war with Philip having been scarcely finished and peace, at any rate, not yet assured, a great war broke out in Farther Spain.The status of Spain had never been officially fixed since the Carthaginians were driven out during the Second Punic War. Until the present year it was normally governed by privati cum imperio (see note
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