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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 13 13 Browse Search
M. Tullius Cicero, De Officiis: index (ed. Walter Miller) 4 4 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 3 3 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 2 2 Browse Search
Appian, The Civil Wars (ed. Horace White) 1 1 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 1 1 Browse Search
J. B. Greenough, G. L. Kittredge, Select Orations of Cicero , Allen and Greenough's Edition. 1 1 Browse Search
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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ria to attack the cities of Ptolemais (Acre), Dora, and Gaza, which, with several others, had made themselves independent. The people of Ptolemais applied for aid to Ptolemy Lathyrus, then king of Cyprus, who came with an army of thirty thousand men. Alexander was defeated on the banks of the Jordan, and Ptolemy ravaged the country in the most barbarous manner. In B. C. 102, Cleopatra came to the assistance of Alexander with a fleet and army, and Ptolemy was compelled to return to Cyprus. (B. C. 101.) Soon afterwards Alexander invaded Coele Syria, and renewed his attacks upon the independent cities. In B. C. 96 he took Gaza, destroyed the city, and massacred all the inhabitants. The result of these undertakings, and his having attached himself to the party of the Sadducees, drew upon him the hatred of the Pharisees, who were by far the more numerous party. He was attacked by the people in B. C. 94, while officiating as high-priest at the feast of Tabernacles; but the insurrection was
Aqui'llius 2. M'. AQUILLIUS M'. F. M'. N., probably a son of the preceding, consul in B. C. 101, conducted the war against the slaves in Sicily, who had a second time revolted under Athenion. Aquillius completely subdued the insurgents, and triumphed on his return to Rome in 100. (Florus, 3.19; Liv. Epit, 69; Diod. xxxvi. Ecl. 1; Cic. in Verr. 3.54, 5.2; Fast. Capitol.) In 98, he was accused by L. Fufius of maladministration in Sicily; he was defended by the orator M. Antonius, and, though there were strong proofs of his guilt, was acquitted on account of his bravery in the war. (Cic. Brut. 52, de Off. 2.14, pro Flacc. 39, de Orat. 2.28, 47.) In B. C. 88, he went into Asia as one of the consular legates to prosecute the war against Mithridates and his allies. He was defeated near Protostachium, and was afterwards delivered up to Mithridates by the inhabitants of Mytilene. Mithridates treated him in the most barbarous manner, and eventually put him to death by pouring molten gold down
Athe'nion (*)Aqhni/wn). 1. A Cilician, who in the second servile war in Sicily, by the aid of his wealth and pretended astrological knowledge, procured himself to be chosen leader of the insurgents in the western part of the island. After a fruitless attack upon Lilybaeum, he joined Salvius, the king of the rebels, who, under the influence of a suspicious jealousy, threw him into prison, but afterwards released him. Athenion fought with great bravery in a battle with L. Licinius Lucullus, and was severely wounded. On the death of Salvius, he succeeded to his title of king. He maintained his ground for some time successfully, but in B. C. 101 the Romans sent against him the consul M'. Aquillius, who succeeded in subduing the insurgents, and slew Athenion with his own hand. (Diod. Fragm. xxxvi.; Florus, 3.19; Cic. in Verr. 3.26, 54.) The nickname Athenio was given to Sex. Clodius. (Cic. Att. 2.12
Fu'fius 3. L. Fufius, a Roman orator, who was an elder contemporary of Cicero. About B. C. 98 he accused M'. Aquillius of extortion, which he had committed in his consulship in Sicily B. C. 101. On that occasion L. Fufius evinced great zeal and industry; but the accused, who was defended by M. Antonius, was acquitted. The oratory of Fufius seems to have been of a very vehement and passionate character, and the man himself of a very quarrelsome nature; and this he retained even in his advanced age, when he had nearly lost his voice. (Cic. de Orat. 1.39, 2.22, 3.13; de Off. 2.14; Brut. 62.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ma'lleolus, Publi'cius 3. Publicius Malleolus killed his mother, and was in consequence sewn up in a sack, and cast into the sea. This occurred in B. C. 101, and is mentioned as the first instance of this crime which had occurred among the Romans. (Oros. 5.16; Liv. Epit. 58; Cic. ad Herenn. 1.13.)
aken up a strong position on the Athesis (Adige); but in consequence of the terror of his soldiers at the approach of the barbarians. he was obliged to retreat even beyond the Po, thus leaving the whole of the rich plain of Lombardy exposed to the ravages of the barbarians. Marius was thereupon recalled to Rome. The senate offered him a triumph for his victory over the Teutones, which he declined while the Cimbri were in Italy, and proceeded to join Catulus, who now commanded as proconsul, B. C. 101. The army of Marius had also marched into Italy, and with their united forces Marius and Catulus hastened in search of the enemy. They came up with them near Vercellae (Vercelli), westward of Milan, and the decisive battle was fought on the 30th of July, in a plain called the Raudii Campi. the exact position of which is uncertain, but which must have been in the neighbourhood of Vercellae. The Cimbri met with the same fate as the Teutones; the slain are again spoken of as between one and t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Ptolemaeus Soter (search)
anded in Syria with a large army, in order to support the citizens of Ptolemais and Gaza against Alexander Jannaeus, king of the Jews, defeated that monarch in a great battle on the banks of the Jordan, and made himself master of Ptolemais, Gaza, and other cities. Hereupon Cleopatra hastened with an army to oppose him, and reduced Phoenicia and Ptolema'is, while Lathyrus, after an unsuccessful attempt to march upon Egypt itself, retired to Gaza, and the following spring withdrew to Cyprus, B. C. 101 (J. AJ 13.12, 13). In the subsequent disputes of the Syrian princes he and his mother, as was to be expected, took opposite sides, Ptolemy being in close alliance with Antiochus Cyzicenus, while Cleopatra supported his brother Antiochus Grypus (Just. 39.4), At a later period (in B. C. 94) we find Ptolemy again taking part in the civil wars which followed the death of Antiochus Grypus, and setting up Demetrius Eucaerus, the youngest son of that monarch, as a claimant to the throne. (J. AJ
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
the tribunate for the year B. C. 100. At the same time Glaucia, who next to Saturninus was the greatest demagogue of the day, offered himself as a candidate for the praetorship, and Marius for the consulship. If they all three carried their elections, the power of the state, they thought, would be in their hands ; they might easily ruin Meteilus, and crush the aristocracy. But in the midst of these projects Saturninus was nearly ruined by a skilful movement of his enemies. In the course of B. C. 101, and before the comitia for the election of the magistrates for the ensuing year were held, the ambassadors of Mithridates appeared at Rome, bringing with them large sums of money for the purpose of bribing the leading senators. As soon as this became known to Saturninus, lie not only attacked the senators with the utmost vehemence, but heaped the greatest insults upon the ambassadors. Upon the latter complaining of this violation of the law of nations, the senate eagerly availed themselve
Sa'tyrus 5. A leader of insurgent slaves in Sicily, during the second servile war in that island. After the defeat and death of Athenion, B. C. 101 [ATHENION], Satyrus, with the remains of the insurgents, shut himself up in a strong fortress, but was closely blockaded by the consul M'. Aquillius, and at length compelled by famine to surrender, with about 1000 of his followers. They were all carried to Rome, and condemned to fight with wild beasts in the amphitheatre, but preferred dyirg by one another's hands, and Satyrus put an end to his own life. (Diod. xxxvi. Exc. Phot. pp. 536, 537.) [E.H.B]
Italy was now threatened with an invasion by the vast hordes of the Cimbri and Teutones, who had already destroyed several Roman armies. Marius was accordingly again raised to the consulship, which he held for four years in succession, B. C. 104-101. In the first of these years Sulla served under Marius as legate, and in the second as tribunus militum, and in each year gained great distinction by his military services. But towards the end of B. C. 103, or the beginning of B. C. 102, the good sions, that on one occasion he was able to relieve the army of Marius as well as his own, a circumstance which, as Sulla said in his memoirs, greatly annoyed Marius. Sulla fought in the decisive battle, by which the barbarians were destroyed in B. C. 101. [CATULUS. No. 3; MARIUS, p. 956.] Sulla now returned to Rome, and appears to have lived quietly for some years without taking any part in public affairs. He became a candidate for the praetorship for the year B. C. 94, but failed. According
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