Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for November 6th or search for November 6th in all documents.

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ets are being voted for. The Douglasites having difficulty in procuring straight tickets are refusing to vote at all, or voting the Reading (fusion) ticket. The city will probably give a large Republican plurality. All quiet. Philadelphia, Nov. 6--10 P. M.--Scattering returns from the interior show large Republican gains over the Governor's vote last month. Lancaster city gives a Republican gain of 336. Columbia gives slight Republican gains, as also does Hollidaysburg. Philadelphia, Nov. 6--11 P. M.--It is estimated that Philadelphia gives 25,000 votes for the fusion ticket. Lincoln doubtless carries the State by an increase over the recent vote for Curtin, Rep., for Governor. [This part of the dispatch is not very clear, as there is no "fusion ticket" in Pennsylvania this election, though some votes may be given for the Reading (fusion) ticket, which was dissolved a week or two since.] Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1 P. M.--Full and partial returns indicate Linco
o far the down town wards have plied nearly as many votes as were cast in the whole city last year.--There have been no arrests for illegal voting. New York, Nov. 6--P. M.--In the Second Ward the Union ticket has 508. Republican 222. New York, Nov. 6--10 P. M.--In the Second and Sixth Wards the Union ticket has 4,267 anNov. 6--10 P. M.--In the Second and Sixth Wards the Union ticket has 4,267 and the Republican ticket 900. The Third Ward gives Union ticket 571; Republican 285. The Tenth Ward gives the Union 2,200; Republican 1,460. In the Fifth Ward the vote is 2,150 for the Union, and 1,133 for the Republican. The Eleventh Ward gives the Union 4,200; Republican 1,940. New York, Nov. 6--11 P. M.-et 571; Republican 285. The Tenth Ward gives the Union 2,200; Republican 1,460. In the Fifth Ward the vote is 2,150 for the Union, and 1,133 for the Republican. The Eleventh Ward gives the Union 4,200; Republican 1,940. New York, Nov. 6--11 P. M.--The Ninth Ward gives the Union ticket 3,944; Republican 2,938.
, and a large vote is being polled. The Breckinridge men and Bell men are equally sanguine of carrying the city and State. The Douglas men seem to be polling a large vote. It is thought that many Germans are voting for Lincoln. Baltimore, Nov. 6--7 P. M. --Returns indicate that Breckinridge has carried the city. The vote is close. Baltimore, Nov. 6--P. M. --Complete returns from the city give Breckinridge 14,850, Bell 12,619, Douglas 1,562, Lincoln 1,082. The Union party now c seem to be polling a large vote. It is thought that many Germans are voting for Lincoln. Baltimore, Nov. 6--7 P. M. --Returns indicate that Breckinridge has carried the city. The vote is close. Baltimore, Nov. 6--P. M. --Complete returns from the city give Breckinridge 14,850, Bell 12,619, Douglas 1,562, Lincoln 1,082. The Union party now claims the State by over 2,000 majority. Baltimore, Nov. 7, 1 P. M.--The returns from Allegheny county indicate a Bell gain of 11,000.
The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], The Emperor Napoleon and the American Minister. (search)
North Carolina. Wilmington, N. C., Nov. 6, 10 P. M. --The vote here stands Breckinridge 593; Bell 567.--The county shows uniform gains for Breckinridge. Raleigh, N. C., Nov. 6, 10 P. M. --The vote here is Bell 504; Breckinridge 160; Douglas 114. Duplin county shows Breckinridge gains, and the State has, in all probability, gone for him. Raleigh, Nov. 6.11 P. M.--In 7 precincts in New Hanover county. Breckinridge gains 79. Raleigh, N. C. Nov. 6--Midnight. --So far as heard from here Bell has in Wake county 642; Breckinridge 214; Douglas 127. The same precincts gave Pool, Opp., for Governor 492.
Massachusetts. Boston, Nov. 6 --Noon.--Burlingame, Rep. is 300 ahead of his opponent for Congress.--Rice, Rep., for Congress, is 300 ahead of his competitor. Boston, Nov. 6--P. M.--Rice, Rep., is elected to Congress. Anson Burlingame, Rep., is defeated. Boston, Nov. 6--10 P. M.--The Republicans have carried every Congressional district in the State, except Burlingame's. Massachusetts. Boston, Nov. 6 --Noon.--Burlingame, Rep. is 300 ahead of his opponent for Congress.--Rice, Rep., for Congress, is 300 ahead of his competitor. Boston, Nov. 6--P. M.--Rice, Rep., is elected to Congress. Anson Burlingame, Rep., is defeated. Boston, Nov. 6--10 P. M.--The Republicans have carried every Congressional district in the State, except Burlingame's.