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of Old Longshanks, or Old Leather-Breeches, as Huston was affectionately nicknamed, roused the anger of his friends, and this feeling was fanned until there was a dangerous state of mind in the camp. On General Johnston's arrival at camp, February 4th, he was received civilly by General Huston, who, however, thought proper on the same day to address him the following letter: Headquarters camp independence, February 4, 1837. Sir: From the acquaintance I have had with you, and your high rauthority to make all necessary arrangements. Reiterating my respects and regards, I am Your most obedient, humble servant, Felix Huston. To General A. S. Johnston. General Johnston's reply was as follows: Headquarters camp independence, February 4th. Sir: I have had the honor of receiving your note of this evening. After reciprocating the sentiments of respect and esteem which you have been pleased to express toward me, it only remains to accord to you the meeting proposed. I have de
some account of California affairs. I think the public sentiment here is decidedly in favor of the maintenance of the Union. Again: San Francisco, California, February 25, 1861. My dear son: We are all well, and almost as comfortable as we could desire, were it not for the unhappy condition of our country. I confess I can only expect a general disruption, for passion seems to rule. Yet, though hope has been so often disappointed, a gleam breaks upon us from the efforts of the 4th of February convention at Washington, leading us on to indulge in its illusions a little longer. A huge Union meeting was held here on the 22d. The day was a perfect holiday for the whole population, who filled the streets, and in their best dresses seemed to enjoy the beautiful weather. The resolutions adopted testified to a devoted loyalty to the Union, declared against secession as a right, and repudiated the idea of a Pacific republic as impossible. They express fraternal feelings for al
In his supplemental report he says: The failure of adequate support, doubtless from sufficient cause, cast me on my own resources. All the telegrams from Colonel Heiman, commanding at Fort Henry, and from General Tilghman, during the 4th and 5th of February, breathe a confident spirit. In transmitting Colonel Heiman's dispatch, General Tilghman telegraphed, 4 P. M., February 4th, to Colonel Mackall: Better send two regiments to Danville, subject to my orders. An hour laFebruary 4th, to Colonel Mackall: Better send two regiments to Danville, subject to my orders. An hour later he telegraphed: The landing of the enemy is between rivers, perhaps from both rivers. Give me all the help you can, light battery included. Off for Henry. On the 5th, at 8 A. M., General Tilghman telegraphed from Fort Henry: My force in good spirits, but badly armed. I will hold my position to the last, but should be reinforced amply, at once, if possible. At midnight, before his surrender, General Tilghman again telegraphed: Our scouts engaged advanced posts of
did not leave Manassas for several days, and probably arrived at Bowling Green about February 5th or 6th. On the 7th he held a conference with Generals Johnston and Hardee, the minutes of which are here given. It will be observed that, on February 4th and 5th, General Johnston was moving troops to Clarksville to support Tilghman, and on the 6th ordered Floyd's entire command thither. General Beauregard remained in Bowling Green until the 12th. His conference with General Johnston did not was safe to do so-even to the last moment. In a few weeks the enemy's plans were developed just as he had foretold, and that moment came. General John C. Brown informs the writer that he was sent by General Buckner, between the 1st and 4th of February, from Russellville to Bowling Green, in order to have a full conversation with General Johnston touching the reorganization of the troops and some other matters. During this confidential interview, which was frank and extended, General John