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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
ple about me, and I have heard nothing which denoted the title. The answer is plain yes or no; and you speak right on without the constant interjection of Mr. or My Lord, or Sir: all this gives a grace and ease to intercourse which is quite inconceivable to those who have not enjoyed it. But I will not fatigue you with these things. I hope to talk about them upon my return, when I can see how the conclusions from my experience strike you. The very day on which I received your letter of Jan. 16 from Washington, when I was sitting next to Lord Denman at dinner (it was at Lord Brougham's), I took the liberty of mentioning what you had written me about the case of De Vaux v. Salvador. 4 Adolphus' and Ellis' Reports, p. 420. This was a case of marine insurance, in which the application of the maxim, causa proxima non remota spectatur, was considered. The case in which Judge Story's adverse opinion was given was Peters v. Warren Insurance Company, 3 Sumner's Reports, 389; s. c. 14