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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
sive as to the non-existence of any such work; though not entirely so. He remarked that the Dutch were very unfortunate in having a language which is neglected by all the world; so that their writers are very little known. I have since inquired of Macaulay and of some other friends, but with the same want of success. I like the idea of the Republican Plutarch very much,—macte.I have not yet been able to make the inquiry you desire with regard to the Dutch word wet (law). Your next is dated Jan. 8. It is a capital letter,—full of friendship for me, and exhortations imposing upon me responsibilities to which I am all unequal. . . . Mr. Burge—the author of the great work on the Conflict of Laws, just published in four large volumes—has read your Hermeneutics in the Jurist, and likes it very much. He is the only exception. I know to the rule I have above stated, that eminent English lawyers do not write books. . . . The omitted parts of the letter relate chiefly to Sumner's effort