Statistics for occurrence #1 of “Cyrus” in chapter 2 of Sallust, Conspiracy of Catiline:

...ed themselves in different ways; some exercised the mind, others the body. At that period, however, the life of man was passed without covetousness every one was satisfied with his own. But after Cyrus in Asia and the Lacedæmonians and Athenians in Greece, began to subjugate cities and nations, to deem the lust of dominion a reason for war, and to imagine the greatest glory to be in the most...
Max. Freq. Min. Freq.
Entity Corpus Doc Corpus Doc  
Cyrus (Missouri, United States) 2 2 0 0 0 user votes
Cyrus (North Carolina, United States) 10 6 0 0 0 user votes
Cyrus (Kentucky, United States) 4 0 0 0 0 user votes
Cyrus (Pennsylvania, United States) 2 0 0 0 0 user votes
Cyrus (Minnesota, United States) 0 0 0 0 0 user votes
Cyrus (West Virginia, United States) 0 0 0 0 0 user votes

† This entity has been selected by the automated classifier as the most likely match in this context. It may or may not be the correct match.