Statistics for occurrence #1 of “Tegea” in book 8, chapter 53 of Pausanias, Description of Greece:

...e who, when Leto was with child and in the course of her wanderings, took no heed of her when she came to their land. So when the divinities came to the land of Tegea, Scephrus, they say, the son of Tegea tes, came to Apollo and had a private conversation with him. And Leimon, who also was a son of Tegeates, suspecting that the conversation of Scephrus contained a charge against him, rushed on his brot...
Max. Freq. Min. Freq.
Entity Corpus Doc Corpus Doc  
Tegea 306 118 0 0 0 user votes
Tegea (Greece) 2 2 0 0 0 user votes

† This entity has been selected by the automated classifier as the most likely match in this context. It may or may not be the correct match.