Collection: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Title: Cinerary Urn
Summary: Cinerary urn with vegetal ornament
Object Function: Funerary
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Relief-decorated vessel
Category: Single monument
Technique: Low relief
Date: exact 69 AD - exact 98 AD
Dimensions: H 0.396 m; W 0.41 m; D 0.311 m
Period: Flavian

Subject Description: This inscribed urn is decorated with rich vines. The funerary inscription lies within a rectangular framed panel on the front of the urn. The top of the lid is decorated with an acanthus. Bolsters with vegetal carvings decorate the sides of the peaked lid. On the triangular zone at one end of the lid are two griffins with snaky bodies that flank a central trident (?).

Condition: Intact

Material Description: Marble probably from Carrara

Inscription: In Latin: Aulus Folius Felix [placed this here] for himself and Manlia Optata, his wife.