Reverse: Spes presenting a flower to Saloninus

Obverse: Radiate bust of Saloninus

Collection: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Context: Antioch
Material: Silver
Denomination: Antoninianus
Issuing Authority: Saloninus
Actual Weight: 4.15 g.
Date: exact 256 AD
Dimensions: 22 mm.
Region: Syria
Period: Third Century A.C.

Obverse Type: Within a dotted circle, the emperor Saloninus, wearing military costume and holding a spear in his left hand, turning in 3/4-view to the right toward the archaistic figure of Spes (the personification of hope). Spes stands to the left left, presenting a flower to Saloninus.

Commentary: Imperial antoninianus

Sources Used: RIC V.1, 127, no. 36