Top left: Fragment of a Votive Relief (?) with Herakles; Top right: Votive...

Image from Svoronos

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Votive relief to Helikon
Context: Probably from Thespiai
Findspot: Excavated at Thespiae, Church of Haghia Triada, near the Shrine of the Muses (during the French School excavations in 1889)
Summary: The head and shoulders of the personification of Mt. Helikon, rising up from between some hills
Object Function: Votive
Material: Limestone
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Single monument
Style: Hellenistic
Technique: Low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 200 BC - ca. 100 BC
Dimensions: H. 1.15 m; W. (above) 0.45 m; W. (below) 0.50 m; D. 0.24 m
Scale: Miniature (pictorial field)
Region: Boeotia
Period: Hellenistic

Subject Description: The personification of Mt. Helikon, here shown as a burly, bearded, shaggy haired man, is shown rising up from between/behind some hills. Beneath the hills, near the bottom of the relief, is an incised laurel crown.

Form & Style: The tall rectangular stele tapers up, and is crowned by a moulding comprised of a thick taenia above a cyma.

Condition: Intact

Condition Description: The edges are chiped, and the surface slightly scratched and stained. The base of the relief has been obscured and joined to a modern base. The inscription is quite worn.

Material Description: Hard, Boeotian stone


The relief above Helikon's head and below the hills contains several inscriptions, the central one of which notes that Amphikritos dedicated the relief to the Muses (and to Helikon). Inscription A is comprised of 3 lines below the geison; inscription B is comprised of four lines below the image; inscription C surrounds the top half of the laurel crown. The inscriptions read as follows:A: [...]*D*I*O*S *A*M*F*I*K*R*I*T*O*U *M*O*U*S*A*I*S *A*N*E*Q*H*K*E*O*S *M'[...] *I*N' *A*E*I*N*W*S*K*A*I *G*E*N[*E]*O*S *T*O *T*E*L*O*S [*K*E*I]*N*W *K*A[*I *T*O*U]*N*O*M*A *S*W*I*Z*O*I

B: *O*U*T*O*S *A[*R*I*S]*T*O*F*O [...] *B[*R]*O*T*W[*I *I*S]*A*O*U*K *A[*D*A*H]*S *E*L*I*K*W*N *M*O[*U*S*A*W]*N *X*R*H[*S]*M*O*N *I*A*X*E*W*P*E*I*Q*O*M*E*N*O*I[*SI] *B*R*O*T*O*I*S *U*P*O*Q*H*K*A*I*S *H*S*I*O*D*O*I*O*E*U*N*O*M*I*A *X[*W*R]*A *T' *E[*S]*T[*A*I] *K*A*R*P*O*I*S *B*R*U*O*U*S*A

C: [...] *H*S*I*O*D*O*S *D*I*O*U *M*O*U*S*A*S *E*L*I*K*W*N*A *T*E *Q*E*I*O*N *K*A*L*I*S*T*O*I*S *U*M*N*O*I*S [...]

Inscription Bibliography: CIG 7.4240

Sources Used: Karouzou 1968, 97; Svoronos 1903-12, pl. 76

Other Bibliography: P. Jamot, BCH 14 (1890) 546-51, pl. 9-10