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Top, left: Relief of Asklepios and his son (?); Top, middle: Relief showin...

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Relief showing a bearded man with a youthful goddess

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Relief showing a bearded man with a youthful goddess
Context: From Acharnai
Findspot: Found at Acharnai
Summary: A bearded man with a youthful goddess
Object Function: Votive
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Separated fragments
Style: Late Classical
Technique: Low relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 400 BC - ca. 350 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.36 m; W. 0.18 m
Scale: Miniature (pictorial field)
Region: Attica
Period: Late Classical

Subject Description: A bearded man moves 3/4-view to the left, with his right foot advanced. He wears a taenia around his hair, a chitoniskos and a chlamys. He seems to hold the reins to horses in his outstretched right hand. In the background, on a rocky surface, stands a youthful goddess (?) to the right. The scene has not been convincingly explained.

Form & Style: A portion of the plinth is preserved.

Condition: Single piece

Condition Description: Single fragment preserving part of the right side of a relief; missing also the lower right corner.

Material Description: "Pentelic" according to Svoronos

Sources Used: Svoronos 1903-12, 277-79, pl. 46.7