Top left: Fragment of a relief showing Asklepios and his daughters; Top Mi...

Votive relief with Asklepios, Epione, and worshippers

Collection: Athens, National Archaeological Museum
Title: Votive relief with Asklepios, Epione, and worshippers
Context: From Athens, Acropolis (S. Slope)
Findspot: Excavated at Athens, Acropolis, Asklepieion (South Slope)
Summary: Asklepios, Epione, and worshippers
Object Function: Votive
Material: Marble
Sculpture Type: Stele, relief-decorated
Category: Single monument
Style: Early Hellenistic
Technique: Medium relief
Original or Copy: Original
Date: ca. 300 BC - ca. 250 BC
Dimensions: H. 0.39 m; W. 0.49 m
Scale: Miniature (pictorial field)
Region: Attica
Period: Early Hellenistic

Subject Description: Four worshippers (two men, a woman, and a child at her side) approach 3/4-view to the right. Just right of center stands Epione, in a frontal standing pose, with her weight on her right leg. She wears a himation over a short-sleeved, belted chiton, holds her left hand at her side, and with her right hand holds her drapery just above her shoulder, where it veils her head. This is the anakalypsis gesture which indicates that she is the wife of Asklepios. To her right the god Asklepios is seated, on his throne, near profile to the left (although his upper chest is turned in 3/4-view). He holds his right hand on his lap and rests his left arm on the back of his throne. Under his throne is coiled a snake. As Svoronos noted, this representation of Asklepios closely follows the image of Zeus in the assembly of the gods on the East of the Parthenon Frieze.

Form & Style: The relief is framed by a plinth and two antae supporting a roof edge with 7-8 antefixes (of which 3-4 are preserved).

Condition: Nearly complete

Condition Description: Missing the upper left corner.

Material Description: "Pentelic" according to Svoronos


On the epistyle the following inscription is carved:[...]*W*Q*E*I*S*E*K*W*M*P*O*L*E*M*W*N*K*A*I*L*U*T*R*W*Q*E*S[...]*W*N*E*L*I*E*U*Q*E*R*W*Q*P...*K*E*N.

Svoronos restored this as o( dei=na tou= dei=na swqei\s e)k [t]w=m pole/mwn kai\ lutrwqe[i\]stw=n deinw=n kai \kindu/n]wn e)lieuqerwqei\s a)ne/qhken, "dedicated to those who saved us from the war and released us from the terrible and dangerous things and set us free."

Associated Building: Athens, Asklepieion

Sources Used: Svoronos 1903-12, 275-76, pl. 34.4